Thursday, January 26, 2017

Dog Pound, Book #3 of the Janitors Series - Kidnappers at sea with Billie Jo aboard.

Today’s excerpt is from Dog Pound, Book #3 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Two of the kidnappers are safely at sea with Billie Jo aboard their boat.  The problem was, that unknown to them, they had been seen.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



Meanwhile, Oscar and Henry drove to the pier where their boat, the Freedom Express, was located and, on seeing no one about—except a few on boats in the marina—picked up the tarpaulin that covered Billie Jo Lane and, after rolling her up inside it, carried her to the Freedom Express.  They were at sea in less than ten minutes.  Once their sails filled with the brisk wind that was blowing and their course was set, Oscar called Dale’s newly acquired cell phone and reported, “We’re underway, no problems.”

Dale replied, “Thank you,” and pushed the end button on his phone.

As Henry steered the boat, Oscar stripped Billie Jo and put a chain around her ankle, securing it with a small padlock to an eyebolt he installed in the hull of the boat the day before.  The length of chain was doubled back and locked with another padlock. There was about three feet of leeway from Billie Jo’s ankle to the eyebolt.  Finished, he stood back and muttered, “That oughta do,” as Henry came into the lounge area of the boat.

Henry looked at the naked Billie Jo and asked, “Why take her clothes off?”

Oscar looked at Henry and answered, “Now, don’t pull a jealous pout on me.  I want to humiliate her to keep her in line.  I want her to understand we’re in no mood for any shit.”


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