Monday, February 13, 2017

Bullets And Baseball, Book #6 of the Asps Series - Three Marines and CIA agent rescued in Pakistan.

Today’s excerpt is from Bullets And Baseball, Book #6 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Part of the team rescue three Marines and a CIA agent captured in Afghanistan, but being held by the Taliban in Pakistan.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



“Dusty, you and Bear circle around to their, I guess what you’d call, ‘prison’ tent.  The rest of us’ll spread out and do some counting off on who we’ll take when you guys are ready to make your move.  Any questions?”

With no questions, Dusty and Bear left to do as told.  First they dropped back another hundred feet from the camp, so they could move faster, then worked their way around to the rear of the tent they were after.  As they slowly moved in closer, they saw a man down on his haunches, with his AK-47 draped across his legs.  He was whittling a stick.  Dusty looked at Bear, who shrugged and took out his Asp.  Two seconds later, the terrorist slumped forward in death, the back of his head blown off. 

A good deal of the brain matter splatter flew to the back of the tent.  Dusty and Bear put down their rifles and hurried forward, Asps in hand.  Fearing the splatter might have been noticed inside the tent, as soon as they reached the rear of the tent, Dusty went to one side, and Bear the other.  Even as they started walking forward, Dusty whispered, “Okay, Bruce—let ‘em have it.”

With his group spread out, already having agreed on who would shoot whom, Bruce and the others opened fire.  Each of the four men outside the camp had selected the four men he would take out.  They were far enough back in the trees to need their rifles, rather than their Asps. 

By the time Bear and Dusty reached the front of the camp, eight terrorists were dead or dying.  Those two saw four men close to them…with both firing two killing shots, even as they moved to the tent’s flap.  There were a few sounds of startlement coming from those not yet shot.  Those sounds had alerted the three inside with their prisoners.  They had just stood up as Dusty followed Bear into the tent.  Bear killed one as Dusty was getting into the tent, then they both took out another.

Dusty quickly growled, “Bruce, there were three inside the tent, plus another one out back.  All now down and out.”

Not expecting an answer—which didn’t come—Dusty followed Bear to the men they had come to rescue.  Bear had already asked, “You guys ready to go home?”

The men, bound and gagged, all nodded their heads as Dusty and Bear started freeing them. 

Outside, all sixteen terrorists who had been visible from the vantage point of Bruce, Ed, Ike, and Billy were down.  Bruce glanced at Billy.   “Come with me to look for the other two.  Ed, Ike, hold fast to give us cover.  Well, maybe move in a bit, to be able to use your Asps.”

All four men hurried toward the camp, with Ed and Ike stopping a few paces past the edge of the camp, well within the hundred-foot accuracy point of the Asps.  The two men they were after came out of a tent, with AK-47s at the ready.  They died without firing a shot.


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