Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Fido, Book #3 of the Asps Series - Bear and Kye spot real bad guy.

Today’s excerpt is from Fido, Book #3 of the nine-book Asps Series.  While trying to find a drug operation connection to al-Qaida, Bear and Kye stumble onto a big-time higher up in that terrorist organization.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



Two days later, Bear and Kye were sitting in a seedy bar, having a drink.  Since she was driving, Kye was having coke with lime and grinning at Bear, who was having the same, with rum added “for taste.”

After she finished her coke, Kye asked, “Ready to run from this dump, before the cockroaches get us?”

As she asked that, she started to get up.  Bear put his hand on her arm.  “Not just now.  I have a drink to finish.  Have another one.”

Kye started to say something, then noticed something about Bear’s demeanor and sat back down.  As she did, he gave a slight head shake and smiled.  “We may be here a while.  Order something to eat, if you want.”

“In here…are you nuts?  I don’t want the runs…at best.  Plus which, the only thing they probably have to eat is the worm from the tequila.”

They were both speaking Spanish, and speaking in low volume.  When the waitress approached their table after Bear had given her a hand signal, she only heard the word “tequila” as she approached.   She asked Kye, “Did you want tequila this time?”

Kye grinned as Bear shook his head.  “No, we’ll have the same.  We were just discussing various drinks, thank you.”

Even as Bear was paying for the drinks upon their arrival, two men at a table on the far side of the bar stood up and headed for the door.  Bear gave scant notice, even though it was the table he had zeroed in on as he had casually glanced around the room.  The two men left behind at the table were about to get up as well, when Bear nodded.  “Drink up, we’re about on our way.”

Kye picked up her glass without comment and took a long swallow of the coke, as Bear did the same with his rum and coke.  By then the first two men were just leaving through the front door, when gunfire broke out.  One of the two men fell dead in his tracks, while the other staggered back into the bar, before falling to the floor.  He died there from his wounds, a few seconds later.  By the time he died, people were running around the bar in all directions.  Bear took Kye by the arm and headed for the front door.  By the time they reached it, the car that contained the shooters had already made a turn at the first corner and was long gone.  Outside the bar, Bear pointed.  “Go get our wheels.  I’ll wait here.”

Kye asked no questions and hurried off.  As she turned a corner and headed for their SUV a block away, the other two men at the table came to the front of the building from an alley alongside it.  They had left the bar by a side door, along with several other people.  They hurried down the street away from where Bear stood, even as sirens sounded in the distance.  Bear saw the car they got into, and was glad when Kye drove up for him just as the other car pulled out and hurried into traffic.  “Follow the green monstrosity that just pulled out into traffic.  Not too close, but don’t lose them.”

Kye asked, “Any other helpful hints?”

“Sorry,” Bear replied, as he took out his cell phone and called Bruce.

When he had Bruce, Bear had a surprise for him.  “You’ll never believe this, but Kye and I are following Luzige Muhammad.”

“Where the hell are you?  I’ll get everyone else to merge with you.”

Luzige Muhammad was on wanted lists from the United Kingdom, the United States, and several other nations.  He had been responsible for the planning and execution of many atrocities around the world.  He was known as one of al-Qaida’s best thinkers, planners, and organizers.  His presence in Colombia could only mean al-Qaida had decided to get into the Colombian drug trade on a mammoth scale, as he would not be risked for any trivial or low-priority matter.  He was a much bigger fish than the Asps had ever dreamed they would catch on their current mission.  It also meant they could be in for a much larger-scale operation than they had planned on.


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