Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Fatheer Mulligan, Book #8 of the Asps Series - British MIt6 Chief wants man who killed his sister.

Today’s excerpt is from Father Mulligan, Book #8 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Sir Alistair, Chief of MI6, wants to get his hands of Hans Fugleman in the worst way.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



While Tony was bringing Sir Alistair up-to-date about what had happened to Larijani, Sir Alistair interrupted, “Tony, old chap, we’re in league with some sly devils.  In a round-about manner, I just received word a while ago stating the Israelis had snatched Larijani—but the Government there claims no knowledge of the matter.”

Tony laughed.  “Jim told me they spoke Hebrew when talking amongst themselves while in Larijani’s house.  His wife and two daughters both heard them…must have recognized the language.  Nice touch.  I would wager a few pounds very few in Israel even know Larijani is there, as we speak.”

Tony continued the summation of his conversation, until he reached the point of the attempted raid on the Telman home.  When he mentioned the name of Hans Fugleman, he was amazed at the response from Sir Alistair, who turned red in the face, swelled up like he was about to explode, then shook with anger.  After Sir Alistair composed himself, he got up from his desk before he walked over to one of the many pictures in his office.  He walked over to Tony and handed him the picture.  Tony, of course, had seen it before, but had no idea who the lady in the picture was.  He simply mumbled, “Beautiful young lady, Chief.”

“Yes, she was.  My younger sister, eight years my junior.  She died at the hands of Hans Fugleman.  I had heard he was dead—obviously mistaken information.  I won’t tell you the condition she was in when we found her body.  Nearly ended my career in the Service.  I wanted to go after him; no holds barred.  I was forbidden by the then-Chief from doing so.  I nearly quit, to take care of the matter on my own.  Somehow I was talked into staying the course.  But if he is alive, I want him!”

The Chief took the picture back from Tony, replaced it, and walked back behind his desk.  He sat down, then called Jim.  “Jim, I have a favor to ask.  When you run down Fugleman and are finished with him, I’d like him—alive, please.  I have a matter to settle with him.  It’s personal.”

Jim nearly got a chill from the ice in the Sir Alistair’s voice.  “Yes, of course.  We’ll make every effort to take him alive.  My plan for now, as far as Papoulias is concerned, is to let him stew in his own juices for a while.  Maybe separating Fugleman from him will add to his discomfort.  If we get a chance at him, we’ll nab him alive for you—I’ll make damned sure we get the chance.”

“Thank you.  Thank you for agreeing without knowing why.”

“No problem…you’d do the same for me.”

Sir Alistair agreed, then told Jim in detail why he wanted Fugleman.  He ended the story when he swallowed and added, “My sister was raped, gutted—her body showed many signs of torture.  She was in the Service at the time.”

Jim sighed when Sir Alistair finished.  He asked, “Do you mind if he gets a bit of rough treatment before we hand him over to you?”

“Not at all.  But please leave his testicles to me.  By the way, he ran with two other Stassi sorts when he fled East Germany, just before it fell…Erich Stoph and Manfred Pieck.  I believe—but do not know for certain—they were involved in the death of my sister.  If so, Fugleman was still the ringleader, so to speak.  I would be more than pleased if they would meet their demise…but do not need to be present when it happens.”



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