Friday, February 3, 2017

Sedona Chip, Book #9 of the Janitors Series - Sedona Chip scores!

Today’s excerpt is from Sedona Chip, Book #9 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  The Sedona Chip does its thing, or so the French believe.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



When the blue-light shown, Hector pushed his button.  It was rigged to detonate everything planted in the compound at once.  It worked to perfection.  Everything inside the wall disappeared in a tremendous explosion.  Debris from the explosion flew high into the sky and rained down.  It took a few minutes for the dust to settle.  When it did, Jim, Holly, and Hector could see the hole where the buildings of the compound once stood.

Jim reported, “General, Hector’s handy work did the job.  No more compound.  The outside wall, as he planned it, is still standing—but nothing inside.  Just a big hole.  I know you can’t answer, but we’re on our way back.  So long.”

As Jim, Holly, and Hector hurried down to the buggy, Claude Basset stood transfixed.  Even though he knew it was coming, he was stunned at what he saw.  One second the compound was there, the next it was gone.  It seemed as though a big bomb had been dropped right on top of the compound.  He shook off his lethargy and hurried outside to see how the refueling was coming.  When told it would be another five or ten minutes, he quickly called his President.  “Sir, it worked.  The compound is gone.  I mean totally gone…like an atom bomb was dropped on it.  Just a big hole in the ground.  One piece of new information.  They said while talking about the firing that the Sedona Chip controls the entire thing.  I think if we can get that chip, we can take control of the weapon.”

Stunned, the French President.  “Then by all means, get that chip!”

“Yes, sir.”

His orders clear, Basset climbed into the helicopter to await the completion of the fueling and flight back to Tehran.  He had a plane at his disposal, but he couldn’t risk using it to fly into the United States.  He would take it to Paris, fly Air France to somewhere in America, then make a connecting flight into Phoenix, Arizona.  From there, he would go to Sedona, and get that damned chip.

His plan made up in his mind, he called the French Embassy in Tehran and told the functionary he spoke with to arrange the flights for him, then sat back to relax.  There was nothing else to do until he reached Arizona.


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