Monday, February 27, 2017

Pool Of Blood, Book #3 of the Becker Trilogy - Assassin misses again.

Today’s excerpt is from Pool Of Blood, Book #3 of the Becker Trilogy, a stand alone book featuring Bob Becker along with friends, old and new, including Jim Scott.  The contract killer misses another shot at Michelle.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



When Wednesday rolled around, Newton and Morsi were up early and on the road to the two-lane highway leading from Bob’s to the Interstate.  They were in two vehicles: Morsi in the truck, and Newton in his rental car.  Newton knew exactly where he was headed, so he led, while Morsi followed.  Short of a rise in the highway, there was a rutted dirt road Newton had discovered earlier when scouting out the area.  They pulled down the road to a wide spot.  Newton parked the rental there, and climbed in with Morsi.  Next, they went back to the two-lane and drove down past Bob’s property and the nearest neighbor, then found a place to turn around.  As they drove back by, Newton looked the area over carefully still again; then, at the top of the rise, he had Morsi stop. 

After checking his watch to make sure he had the timing right to that point, he climbed in the rear of the panel truck.

As he did, Bob and Michelle were just about ready to leave for St. Charles.  Bob backed out of the garage, then turned to head to the access road.  When he reached it he turned left, then right onto the two-lane.  He passed a slight straight-away, and then a bend in the road, before he headed up a rather steep incline.  As soon as he came around the bend and started up the incline, he saw the white panel truck at the top.  Bob immediately slammed on the brakes, spun the steering wheel, and floored the accelerator.  As he did all this, he shouted, “Michelle, down—now!”

His actions came none too soon.  Even as Michelle ducked down, Newton fired.  The shot went through the rear window to where her head had been, then exited through the front windshield.  Before Newton could fire again, Bob was back around the bend in the road, headed back to his home.  As he drove, he told Michelle to get the Wentzville police on the phone.


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