Thursday, February 9, 2017

Tears And Terrorists, Book #4 of the Asps Series - Rescue and humor.

Today’s excerpt is from Tears And Terrorists, Book #4 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Tommy Saunders found and freed.  During the operation, the team also finds out the first name of Sergeant Major Squires…a well-kept secret until then.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



The floor plan showed the two guards on each floor would be nearest the door as they went through, with each guarding ten cells each.  As the team went through the door, the two guards looked up.  Jim shot one, and Anson shot the other one, as Tony and his group raced up the stairs.  Even as they reached the top of the stairs, the two guards there saw them.  Tony killed one and the other was killed by Sergeant Major Squires, with one of his men also shooting the man.  Then Tony and one of the SAS men went to the guard Tony had killed, found the key to open the gate leading to the cells on that end of the second floor, and soon were through the iron-bar gate.  The same scene was replayed on all four gates at about the same time. 

On Tony’s section, only six of the ten cells were occupied.  Each prisoner was let out of his cell and told, in both Arabic and Farsi, to stand by the gate as they were let out.  None was Tommy Saunders. 

On his section, Sergeant Major Squires and the other SAS man found seven men in the ten cells there.  They were told the same thing as the other six others had been…again, no Tommy Saunders.

Jim and Hector also found seven prisoners, and after all were let out of the cells, Jim said, also in Arabic, then in Farsi, “Go to the gate and wait for us,” then in English, “Anyone here named Tommy Saunders?”

One of the freed prisoners pointed.  “He’s in the other section on this floor.”

By the time Jim, Hector, and their seven prisoners were to and through the gate, Anson and Dan were through their gate with ten prisoners, one of whom Anson was half carrying.  He was Tommy Saunders.  On finding that out, Jim patted him, gently, on the shoulder.  “Nice to meet you, Tommy.  Judy Silverman sent us after you.”

“God bless Judy,” Tommy muttered in a very weak voice.

Since all the team was wearing their communication sets, both Tony and Sergeant Major Squires, of course, heard Jim and Tommy.  Both took a deep breath and let it out as they hurried their prisoners down the steps.

Back on the ground floor, Sergeant Major Squires rushed up to Tommy, took him in his arms, and gave him a big hug.  He stood back and asked, “Hi, Tommy, ready to go home?”

“You bet, Cyrus.”

The two SAS men, who had never heard their Sergeant Major’s first name, looked at each other and smiled.  Tony, who knew it but never used it, looked at the two men and silently shook his head in warning.  They understood immediately and wiped the smiles from their faces.  Only then did Tony realize just what good friends Tommy and the Sergeant Major were, because the Sergeant Major had nearly choked the one time Tony had ever called him Cyrus.


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