Thursday, February 16, 2017

Adios, Amigos, Book #9 of The Asps series - Sarah has an oops.

Today’s excerpt is from Adios, Amigos, Book #9 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Sarah has a wardrobe malfunction.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



Jim had been the first in the pool, and the first out.  Holly was still swimming when Sarah Turner arrived.  Sarah had been a Marine Captain until she lost a leg in Iraq—along with her first husband, who was killed in the same blast.  She had subsequently married Albert (Al) (Bear) Turner, who was a recently retired Marine Staff Sergeant, and former SEAL.  Sarah worked on the master computer in the complex—Bear was a member of the Asps.

As Sarah walked toward Jim, she was wearing a terrycloth robe coming to her waist, with a wrap-around terry-cloth skirt.  When she reached Jim—having exchanged greetings as she walked toward him—she took the robe off, then laid it on a nearby chair, exposing her bikini swimsuit top.  Then she whipped off her wraparound.  Jim raised an eyebrow.  “Nice to see you shaved this morning.”

Sarah noticed Jim was looking at the lower portion of her torso.  She glanced down to discover she had forgotten to put on the lower half of her bikini.  As Sarah groaned, “Well, hell,” Holly reached the end of a lap, stopped, and looked at the bare-bottomed Sarah.

“Nice display, Sarah.  Save it for your own husband, please,” as Sarah’s oldest child, Holly (called Little Holly by everyone on the ranch) ran up to her mother, swinging the lower part of the bikini on her finger.

When she reached her mother, Little Holly handed it Sarah. “Daddy said you might be wanting this, mother.”

Sarah snatched up the bikini bottom, and soon had it on.  She bent to kiss Little Holly, “You better run along, dear.  I’m sure Daddy is waiting for you in the car, to take you to school.”

“He is.  Bye, Mommy—bye Jim and Holly.”


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