Monday, February 6, 2017

Birth Of The Asps, Book #1 of the Asps Series - New team starts first operation.

Today’s excerpt is from Birth Of The Asps, Book #1 of the nine-book Asps Series.  The new Asps team starts their first operation.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



After they went forward a bit further, Bruce dropped out and started getting himself situated, as Tony, Harry, and Bear went on down the path.  Further along, Harry motioned for Tony to drop out—still further along, he stopped and found a place to hunker down as well. 

Bear went on down the path, until he saw Dusty.  He stopped, took off his mine harness, and started pulling on the dead man’s clothing over his own.  Finished, he picked up one of the mines and went forward to a spot between Dusty and Kye. 

As he passed Dusty, Dusty whispered, “Kye, the guy coming down the path is Bear.  Don’t shot him.  He’s wearing clothing from a dead guy…I presume.”

Kye didn’t respond, and Bear smiled as he left the path and worked his way down through the vegetation, to the clearing on Kye’s side of the slight ridge that separated the camp’s two sides.

He walked out amongst several of the terrorists, most still trying to sleep.  He nodded to a few and kept on until he found a nice place to leave the mine.  Then he slowly walked back the way he had come.

Three more times, he did the same thing on the other side of the ridge.  After the fourth and last mine was left behind, he found a place to settle in, that was between Dusty and Harry.

Tony watched all of that with awe, and marveled at the audacity of the man.  Dusty watched with a smile, but was neither surprised at his friend nor that he brought it off without a hitch.  The rest of the team knew they had a winner amongst them.

With everyone settled in, Bruce whispered, “Okay, team.  We’ll start picking them off from the far side of their camp.  Try to herd them toward us.  Kye, you and Ike must keep any of them from leaving their camp from the ends.”

Harry added, “Let’s try to take Mister Big Shot alive…him and that dippy politician.  Uh, Dusty, what does he—the politician—look like, by the way?”

“Real black.  Short and—when I saw him—had on a suit.  My guess would be he’ll still be wearing it.  He’ll be in the big tent with the head jackass…the one with the light on inside.  I’d say try to wound, but not kill anyone else that comes out of that tent.  When I was listening in, it sounded like three or four guys in there with the would-be President of Dominica.  I’m not a hundred percent sure which one is the al-Qaida leader.”

Bruce nodded to himself.  “Okay, fire at will.”

Eight silent rifles started shooting at that point.  The first to die were those closest to the far side of the camp.  Nearly twenty of the terrorists died before anyone noticed.  Then the alarm was sounded by a loud yell that died with the man doing the yelling, but not before the camp was alerted. 


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