Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Billy's Rescue, Book #7 of the Asps Series - Billy does good, then makes a bad turn.

Today’s excerpt is from Billy’s Rescue, Book #7 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Billy takes out three more terrorists, but then makes what turns out to be a bad decision.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



After readying his rifle, Billy stepped out into the middle of the cave.  Once there, he carefully sighted in on the middle of the back of the man nearest to him, didn’t like the angle, squatted a bit, then squeezed off his shot.  With only a whisper of sound from the rifle, the round went into the back of the trailing terrorist, through his heart, into the back of the next man, clipped his heart just a bit, before it went on through the next man.  The third man’s heart was missed, but his spinal cord was severed, as had been the other two spinal cords behind him.  The bullet continued down the tunnel until it reached the point where the tunnel started curving to the left, then smacked into the side of the tunnel, its job complete.  The first to be hit died almost instantly, the second was barely clinging to life as Billy hurried forward.  The third terrorist was mortally wounded, but trying to figure out why his legs wouldn’t work.  Also, why he was having so much trouble breathing.

Billy hurried down the tunnel to the three men, saw one was surely dead, knelt to verify the fact, then saw the next man struggling in the throes of death.  Billy stood back a few feet and fired a round into his head.  He did the same to the last man.  Billy wondered just where the tunnel led, since the three men were so intent on reaching it they paid scant attention to their surroundings—namely, Billy.  Billy didn’t like his next thought, but decided attempting to duck a fight with the three—fearing it might lead more terrorists to him than he could handle was one thing.  But to ignore the possibility of intelligence, as it applied to the value of this cave and tunnel, wasn’t something he was prepared to do.  He sighed and started trudging down the tunnel, to see where it led.


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