Friday, February 24, 2017

Bigfoot Bait, Book #2 of the Becker Trilogy - Lindsey in no mood to be re-captured.

Today’s excerpt is from Bigfoot Bait, Book #3 of the Becker Trilogy, a stand alone book featuring Bob Becker along with friends, old and new, including Jim Scott.  Lindsey “slays her vampire” after escaping.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



Lindsey leaving the trap site with the chain and stake was what Clay had seen when playing the video.  When he arrived, he used the flashlight he had to check out the spot where she had been.  The only thing there was the hood.  Searching around, he could see the tracks she was leaving, due to the dampness of the grass and weeds.

Walking steadily, certain he would find her in no time, Clay set out after her.

Not knowing when Biden or his companion would be coming, Lindsey made the best time she could, under the circumstances.  She had no idea where she was going, but just wanted to put as much distance between her and the kidnappers as she could.  She was thinking about the possibility that one or both of them would catch up with her at some point.  If they both came, she knew she probably had little chance, but if it was only one, it was possible she might be able to defend herself…especially since she had her trusty stake to pierce the heart of the “vampire” (as she thought of her captor(s)) to save herself.

Lindsey had no way of knowing she was going to pass well to the west of where the two evil men had parked their vehicles.  If she had known, she really wouldn’t have cared all that much.  Her ultimate goal was to reach a road…any road…then hope and pray someone would come along, so she could get help for Katy. 

As Clay followed along, he wondered why he hadn’t caught up to her yet.  He still hadn’t figured out she might have been gone for a long time before he discovered she was gone.  Since he could still clearly see her path using his flashlight, he continued on.

His flashlight notified Lindsey she was being followed.  When she saw the bobbing light, she continued on her course, haphazard though it was.  When she looked back again, she realized that while not rapidly, whoever was following her was gaining.  She stopped to take stock.  The moon was close to half full, but was tucking behind clouds from time to time.  Lindsey knew her feet were getting very wet, so correctly assumed she was leaving some sort of trail.  She stopped to look her surroundings over carefully, until she came up with a plan.  Hurrying as fast as she could, she continued on in a more-or-less open section of forest.  When the trees started to thicken again, she dodged to the left, then followed the tree line back the way she had just come.  She found a very large tree that was less than ten feet from the trail she had left.

There she waited until she could see Clay clearly.  She was disappointed it wasn’t Biden, but was happy to see the man following her was alone.  She was a bit concerned the man she saw might not be one of the two kidnappers. 

Just as she had that thought, Clay made the most serious mistake of his life.  He stopped.  “Lindsey—if you can hear me, you know I can move faster than you.  You may as well give up.”

Lindsey recognized his voice.

Clay waited a few moments before he continued.  When he was abreast the tree Lindsey stood next to, she moved forward with the stake held firmly in both hands, any concern about who he was behind her.  “You lookin’ for me?”

Clay turned, smiling that his ploy had worked.  Too late, he noticed the stake in Lindsey’s hands.  She swung it with all her might, hitting him in the forehead.  Stunned, he fell to the ground on his back.  Lindsey was on him in a flash.  Still gripping the stake in both hands, she raised it up and plunged it downward as hard as she could.  The stake grazed off the left side of his breast bone, through two ribs, and into his heart.

Even as Lindsey wiggled the stake to free it, she realized her tormentor wasn’t moving.  She gave up on trying to dislodge it, as she continued to sit on top of her now-dead kidnapper.  Panting a bit at her exertion, she yelled, “Take that, you son-of-a-bitch!”          


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