Thursday, February 23, 2017

Too Many Women, Book #1 of the Becker Trilogy - One down, but one gets away.

Today’s excerpt is from Too Many Women, a stand alone book featuring several new characters, as well as Jim Scott and friends.  Horace kills one bad guy, but even though they hit the departing car of another he gets away.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



By then Bill was at the access road, with Leo not far behind.  Horace looked over the scene carefully.  “Okay, the guy I shot at is down from the tree, just lying on the ground, not moving.  I’ve see a bit of foliage movement, but not who’s causing it.  My guess is he’s seen the condition of the guy I shot and is getting outta Dodge.  He’s moving from my right to my left.”

Bill muttered, “There’s a small pond down that way—probably where they parked their car.  Hold it…I hear the car starting up.”

Getting no response nor expecting one, Bill aimed his rifle in the general direction of the noise from the car he’d heard.  He fired off one shot just as Leo stopped next to him.  Both men heard the sound of shattering glass.  Leo looked in the direction Bill was aiming—and also heard the car moving in addition to the glass shattering sound.  He began shooting in the same general direction as Bill.  Both men hit the car in various places and, in addition to thuds of rounds hitting the car body, they also heard more glass shattering. 

Burras was beside himself with fear as shots were tearing the car to pieces.  He had a few small cuts from flying glass, in spite of the safety standards of such glass.  He knew his only hope was to keep heading back to the highway above his present location.  Assuming Bob was at least one of the guys shooting at him, he decided the best place for him to be was elsewhere.  Hookings and Carnahan had been very clear about what they had seen at Bob’s office.  Boxer was probably dead…and he wanted no part of Mr. Bob Becker.

When he reached where the incline headed up to the highway, he kept right on going, traffic be damned.  At that point, Bill reached over and pulled Leo’s weapon back, away from the fleeing car.  “Better stop shooting.  Guy’s getting near the highway—we might hit an innocent if we keep firing.”

Leo nodded, then got back in his buggy to drive in the direction of the quite dead J.C. Boxer.  Bill thought a second, took out his phone, and called a private number at the Wentzville Police station that belonged to the Chief of Police.  He was relieved when the Chief answered the call.  “Chief, this is Bill Hedden—got a mess on our hands out at Bob’s place.  Guess you heard about the shoot-out at Bob’s office.  Well, we’re watching the lady the guys there were after.  Some joker just took a shot at her.  Thankfully he missed…and one of the two fellas we got helping us out plugged him.  Says he may be dead.  Meanwhile another jerk got into a car near the pond, out front of our place.  Me and another of our security team plugged the car several times, but the guy driving it got away.  Could you get some of your people headed this way, with the word out to be on a lookout for a shot-up car?”

“Right away, Bill.  I’ll come out myself…and I’ll get an ambulance on the way, too.  See you in a few minutes.”


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