Friday, February 10, 2017

Bear's War, Book #5 of the Asps Series - A bit of trouble...solved.

Today’s excerpt is from Bear’s War, Book #5 of the nine-book Asps Series.  In Kenya to rescue five nuns from an encampment of up to three thousand Muslims, the team runs into trouble on the way.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



The plane was located about fifteen miles northeast of the target area, and when it was full dark, with a quarter moon shining, Dusty—who the team felt had a GPS system in his head—drove the lead dune buggy.  Each of the three buggies had a fifty-caliber machine gun mounted on an elevated seat for the gunner.  Kye would be the gunner on Dusty’s buggy, with Ike riding alongside him in the front.  Next would be Bruce, driving with Bear the gunner, and Jack in the front with Bruce.  Anson would drive the third buggy, with Billy as his gunner.  The gunners, being elevated, had the primary responsibility of looking for potential trouble.  It came only five miles after they left the plane.  Bear was the first to spot the group of ten armed men.  Even though the buggies were nearly silent, after Jim had paid a good deal of money to have them muffled down as far as possible—the small noise they made could carry far in the still night, so Bear grumbled, “Stop…trouble.”

All three buggies stopped immediately and Bear told everyone what he saw.  In seconds, everyone but Kye and Billy were out of the buggies and moving forward slowly on foot.  Once they were sure there were only ten men in the area, Bruce decided to take them out.  “By the numbers, starting on the left…I’m one.”

Each person on the team, including Kye and Billy on their gun mounts, counted off.  Since there were only eight of them, it meant two of the enemy would be left after their first volley.  That posed no problem, as Bruce whispered, “Silent count of three.”

Roughly three seconds later, eight nearly silent shots from sniper rifles were on their way.  All eight targets were hit and went down.  The two remaining men had no time to realize what was happening, as they were each hit by several killing shots.


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