Friday, March 3, 2017

Assassin I Am - (More Books) - Trouble in ISIS run mosque.

Today’s excerpt is from Assassin I Am, a stand alone book featuring new character Fred Dupree, along with Jim Scott and friends.  Fred and Rosemary run into trouble while taking down an ISIS mosque.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



Fred went forward to make certain they were dead, with Rosemary walking next to him.  Finding no pulse on either, Fred checked his phone, just as Hector warned, “You got company headed your way.”

Fred didn’t reply, just showed the screen of his phone to Rosemary and pointed to the right.  The screen showed two men to the right of them, headed in their direction, and two coming toward them from the left of the large room they were now standing in front of.  Rosemary nodded and walked toward where the two men to her side were likely to show up shortly.  Fred did the same to the right. 

Rosemary spotted her two an instant before they spotted her.  She shot one and, before the other could react, she fired another killing shot.  Fred did nearly as well, except he was seen at the same time he saw his two targets.  One was raising his weapon as Fred shot him, but the other one shouted before Fred’s second shot ended the shout, and he ordered, “Reload.”

Rosemary ejected the partially emptied clip in her weapon, put it in the utility pocket of the new pants Fred had thought to get for her while they were in D.C., and put in a new clip.  Fred did the same thing. 

As Hector muttered, “Oh, shit,” nine men coming from three different locations were soon headed to where the shout had come from.  Hector didn’t bother warning Fred and Rosemary, as he knew they would be expecting trouble.  Instead, he turned off his communication set and indicated to his driver to do the same as they both exited the SUV.

The driver followed Hector as he raced to the front door of the mosque.  As he ran, Hector explained, “I’ve only got the key to the front door, but luckily it’s nearer where our people are.  They are inside the entrance in front of that large room where the ragheads do their kneel-down crap.”

Three came at Rosemary from the same direction as her first two.  They came ready to shoot.  Rosemary stood firm, without even the thought to flinch.  She fired the first shot of the battle, killing one of them.  The other two opened fire and—typical of Islamists—weren’t the best of shots.  Only one shot grazed Rosemary’s vest, while she fired two more shots…both fatal.

Meanwhile, Fred had his own fish to fry as four headed toward him.  He killed two before they could open fire.  The other two were firing at him as he killed the third.  But the last one to die had nicked his left arm.  The fourth man hit him in the shin of his right leg, causing him to lose his balance and fall to the floor.  His right elbow hit the floor, sending searing pain through his arm momentarily.  In that moment, his gun fell from his hand.   It slid away from him and, rather than reach out for it, he painfully reached up with his right hand, snatched the knife at the base of his neck, knelt, and threw it at the man, even as he was hit three times in his vest, taking his breath away.  The knife flew true to the neck of the terrorist.

As Fred eased over to his gun and picked it up, the imam and the other man still alive in the mosque came into the large room.  The man with the imam had his weapon raised.  Still on his knees, Fred shot and killed him, while Rosemary—seeing that he hadn’t yet raised his gun, shot the imam in the knee, then in the forearm, above his weapon.

With Fred on his knees, Rosemary raced to the imam and growled, “Move an inch, you son-of-a-bitch, and I’ll blow your balls off.”

The imam froze until Rosemary jerked his hands behind his back and secured them with a plastic restraint Fred had taught her how to use before they left Sedona.


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