Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Bullets And Baseball, Book #6 of the Asps Series - Asps and freinds trying to track down a couple of terrorists they missed earlier.

Today’s excerpt is from Bullets And Baseball, Book #6 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Asps and friends plan how to take out two terrorists they missed in an earlier raid.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



NOTE:  Please pardon the shameless plug below for COMPHIBRON ONE, the last duty station of my four years in the Navy.  Before you ask, Dusty is not a relative.   


Tony raised an eyebrow as Bruce asked, “Something happen to them?”

Sergey nodded, “Yes, Bruce—as they say in your Western movies, ‘they came down with a severe case of lead poisoning’…administered by someone quite close to one Boris Telman.”

There were a few chuckles as everyone in the room knew Sergey had just confirmed he was the one who had killed the two, as he continued, “They were—are to meet two high-ranking gentlemen: Jansher Mirza, a Taliban, and a Haqqani by the name of Raji Kahn, here in Islamabad.  Those two will take them to Hassan and Usmani.  I think the odds are great that Mirza and Kahn will have escorts with them…by ‘escorts’ you can read ‘bodyguards,’ if you choose—as you should.”

Bruce asked, “And you want Bear and Billy to pose as those two, Kamel and Morsi?”

When Sergey paused for a few seconds before answering, Hector asked, “How old are those two?”

Sergey cleared his throat.  “Kamel is—or was—47…and Morsi, 37.”

Tony grumbled, “Sergey, you’re too clever by half.  First you get us to do your dirty work in Iran, so you can be the hero to India—and now this.  You all but ensured yourself Hector would be here, with the plan he would go in instead of Billy, due to the age situation—as I’m sure he’s about to volunteer to do.”

Sergey shook his head.  “I can see how you might think so, but actually I had in mind make-up to age Billy’s face.  As to you folks taking out the band of bad guys in Iran, I simply didn’t have the assets available to handle such a venture.  Had I not been up to my eyeballs with a matter in Kashmir, I would have happily gone with you.”

Hector sighed.  “I’ll go in.  Make-up is nice, but having spent so much time around Jim and Holly—mostly Holly—I feel more confident in effecting an Egyptian accent in Arabic than Billy probably can.  How about you, Bear?”

“I’m sure not as well as you, Hector, but I can muddle through.  You’re right, by the way—Holly is better with various accents.”

Tony, mollified somewhat, muttered, “Sorry I jumped you, Sergey.  I do, however, have another question…don’t you have assets who can do this?”

Sergey shook his head again, then answered, “Not really.  I do, obviously, have assets who can pass as Egyptians, but two are in Kashmir, and one is embedded in a Haqqani enclave.”

Tony slyly asked, “What do you have going on in Kashmir?”

“A potential mess we might all get involved in, but I’ve been keeping India up-dated on the situation, and they seem prone to taking action on their own.  Time will tell.”

Bruce butted in.  “Back to the matter at hand.  Sergey, after Bear and Hector go talk to these two guys, Mirza and Kahn—then what?  We follow them to Kamel and Morsi?”

“Something like that, Bruce.  It likely will be a fluid situation.  One would guess we’ll have to play it by ear.”

Dusty joked, “Back in the day—the late 1950s—I had a relative who was attached to the staff of Commander Amphibious Squadron One, and their motto was ‘Play it by ear.’  That outfit is still around, but don’t know if the motto is the same.”


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