Monday, August 22, 2016

Tears And Terrorists, Book #4 of the Asps Series - Bear and Kye infiltrating terrorists.

Today’s excerpt is from Tears And Terrorists, Book #4 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Bear and Kye making progress to get inside the group of terrorists planning to overthrow the government of Nambia.   Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



Bear and Kye had established a friendly relationship with the travel guide, and when he again complained about the situation in Namibia, Bear innocently muttered, “I know what you mean.  Democracy is good for the ins, but not so hot for the outs, and the poor.  I think it would be exciting to just once see the fat cats get theirs.  My sister and I are excellent shots.  Sometimes when we practice, we put a picture of some hotshot in the bull’s-eye and shoot out the eyes first.”

The travel guide asked, “Just how good a shot are you, anyhow?”

“Excellent, if I do say so myself.  With a good rifle, can split a two-inch board in half from a mile.  So can my sister.  Up close—a hundred feet or so with a handgun—can hit a small coin every time…again, with a good weapon.”

The travel agent—who had agreed to join the revolution and was a trusted member due to his friendship with the man he’d talked to the day Bear and Kye had overheard them—asked, “Would you like to show me?  For real, I mean.  I know a nice place where we can shoot without being disturbed.”

“Sure.  Sightseeing is getting boring.”

They continued to talk, and after the travel guide found out where they were staying, he told them he and a friend would come by later in the day and take them to the firing range.  The ‘range’ turned out to be several miles out of Windhoek, and there were several people living in tents at the site.  Bear was given a rather nice sniper rifle and asked to fire it at a target less than half a mile away.  After checking the rifle over, Bear sighted in and hit the edge of the bull’s-eye.  He sighed, made an adjustment on the weapon, and fired three more shots.  All three were dead center, with the travel guide watching through binoculars.  Then he handed the rifle to Kye and she duplicated his feat.  Next Bear sighed and shook his head.  “This is too close to be a test.  Let’s move back a bit.”  The travel guide and his companion looked at each other and walked with Bear for a distance nearly twice as far from the target as they had been in the first place.  Bear took the rifle from Kye and proceeded to fire three shots into the bull’s-eye from what was now nearly a mile.  Kye followed suit, with three dead-on shots, also.

When they finished, the travel guide asked, “Would you like to join our little group?  We might be planning on dealing with, as you called them, the ‘fat cats’.”

Bear nodded.  “Perhaps.  But, obviously, I’d want to know more.”

“That can be arranged.  We have two new men who are going to do the training and, once they’re settled in, they may want to talk to you.  Expert shots can always be used, and you two are the best I’ve ever seen.”

He handed the binoculars to his friend and added, “We’ll drive you back to your hotel and contact you sometime tomorrow or the next day…if that is alright with you.”

“It is.”

Once back in their hotel suite, Bear checked for bugs, then called Bruce and told him of the day’s activities.  Bruce applauded him, and said to play it by ear and to stay in touch. 


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