Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Tickleton Affair, Book #5 of the Janitors Series - Tickletons gone missing.

Today’s excerpt is from The Tickleton Affair, Book #5 of the Janitors Series.  Two “Tickletons” are missing.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



After Marty and Janet landed at the private airport they sought, they rented a car and drove to the plant of Buchanan Industries.  When they arrived, they were passed through the security apparatus there, and Janet was treated nearly as royalty.

They soon met Nancy and—after a few seconds of polite conversation, during which time first names were agreed to—Nancy drew Janet into a private office.  “Jan, I’d really like to talk a bit more, but we have a problem.  The Army is here to transport fifty items, and there are two missing from the container.”

“What kind of ‘items’?”

Nancy shook her head.  “I can’t tell you that.  Sorry.”

Janet looked confused for a moment.  Then the light dawned.  “Oh, the things we insure, that we have no idea what we have insured.”


“Uh, how did they come to be missing?”

“I have no idea.  As I said, the Army is here to transport them and they were all there on Friday when we left the plant.  Two are now missing.”

Janet put her hand to her mouth and lightly rubbed her lips as she briefly digested what she had just heard.  “Could they have been stolen?”

“Yes and no.  Yes, they were obviously stolen, but they are still in the plant somewhere.”

“How can you be sure of that?”

“I can’t tell you.  Part of our security system.”

“Oh, come on.  Not knowing what the ‘items’ are one thing, but the security system is another matter altogether.”

“Dang it, I wish Arn was here.  I should probably call him, but if I do he’ll get up out of the hospital and come running down here against doctor’s orders.  Look, Jan, the deal is there’s something in the ‘items’ that will set off all sorts of alarms if someone tries to leave with them.  The section of the plant where they’re made is sealed off in such a way that they can’t even get out of that area without setting off alarms.  Only Arn and I can shut down the security system for them even to be transported out of there by the Army.  Now, if you’ll excuse me, I really have to start a search for them.  I’m sorry, you can’t accompany me to that area.”

Janet scratched her head.  “Okay.  Want me to wait here, or with Marty and the two FBI guys?”

“Whatever suits you is fine.”


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