Monday, January 11, 2016

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - The Saltwater Connection (Janitors Series, Book #6) - Suzan takes out another terrorist.

Today’s excerpt is from The Saltwater Connection, Book #6 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Even as the Janitors take out the terrorist camp, Suzan’s escape plan claims another terrorist and she gets ready to set a trap for two more following her and Sarah Jane.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



South of all that activity, Suzan Saltwater climbed up the tree she had seen overhanging the creek.  She was peering intently back toward the spot where she had been when she sent Sarah Jane ahead.

Just as she was starting to wonder if they would even be followed, she saw the three men dispatched to find and kill her and Sarah Jane.  The man in front fancied himself a tracker and stopped at a spot where it looked as though someone had fallen.  Sure they were on the right track and hoping that at least one of the women was either tiring or injured, he stood up and looked down the trail they had been following.  He spotted something on a bush about ten feet away and rushed toward it.  It was the last mistake he would make in his life for, as he rushed forward, he went through a trip wire Suzan had made from thread carefully separated from the shirt she wore.

With the trip wire sprung, a heavy branch was freed and swung violently toward the terrorist.  Attached to it was a spike Suzan had cut using the knife she had liberated from the terrorist she had killed.  The stake imbedded into the heart of the “tracker” with a resounding thud.  His two companions could only stand and watch as their comrade died before their eyes.

The two looked at each other, discussed the possibility of going back and saying the hell with these two women, then decided they might be shot for that action, so they slowly started on down the trail, looking carefully for more booby traps.

Suzan smiled as she saw her trap had worked perfectly, and at the fact that only two more men followed.  She climbed down from her tree and looked at Sarah Jane.  “By the way, my name is Suzan.  Suzan Saltwater.  What’s yours?”

“Sarah Jane Mosley.”

“Nice to meet you Sarah Jane.  I sure hope you’re not related to that idiot actor by the name Mosley who hates all things military, at least when the good guys are in office.”

Sarah Jane blushed.  “Afraid so.  Chet Mosley’s my father.”

“Pity.  You seem like a nice gal.”

“Uh, Suzan, may I ask what you do for a living?  I mean you seem so good at this business.”

“I’m a Lieutenant in the Marines…and damn proud of it—your father notwithstanding.  Now here’s what’s gonna happen next.  The little trap I set for those guys behind us—which I set when I sent you ahead—got one of them.  There are only two more.  Two, I can handle.  On my way down here I spotted a good place for an ambush.  I take these two guys out and we can take our time heading on until we find help.  But, just in case I mess up, I want you to mosey on down this trail.  If I don’t catch up, you know what to do.  Just follow the water.  Sooner or later you’ll come across someone.  You may get hungry, but keep drinking all the water you can…it’ll keep you alive.”

Sarah Jane shook her head.  “No, it won’t.  Something happens to you and I’m done for.  I’d just as soon stick with you.”

“You sure?”


“In that case, are you game to be my goat?”

“Come again.”

“I’m thinking when I get to my ambush site, I’ll have you down the trail a bit, where you can be seen.  When you see the two guys, take off running.  It’ll make it easier for me if they’re concentrating on catching up with you.”

“Ha, with all you’ve done so far, it’s the least I can do.  Sure, I’ll be happy to play goat on a tether.”

“That’s the spirit, and that’s the idea.  Let’s go get set up.”



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