Monday, January 25, 2016

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Fido (Asps Series, Book #3) - Drew and Boris get ready to chase down terrorist.

Today’s excerpt is from Fido, Book #3 of the Asps Series.  After taking out a large contingent of al-Qaida attackers, Jim get information from the captain of one of the boats used to bring the enemy to their location.  The main piece of data he gets from the captain is the name and location of the al-Qaida terrorist in charge of the operation.  With that information I hand, Drew and Boris decide to track down the man.  Enjoy and have a great day.



NOTE:  Thanks for the nice words about my heart condition I received from various visitors to this web site.  Turned out after looking around, the doc said no further procedure was needed and we will just go with the medication I’ve been taking since the stints were put in back in November.  


The captain swallowed.  “I only had a crew of four.  Two died in the attack.  You have the other one here, with a hood on his head.  He will do anything you ask.  Please do not kill him.  He is a good man…and a good man in the engine room of my boat.”

Jim looked hard at the captain again.  “We’ll see.  For now, my inclination is to let both of you live.  Please don’t do anything to change my mind.  Oh, one more question.  Is there anyone in al-Qaida you contact for any reason?”

“Yes.  The man who hired me in the first place…though, at the time, I didn’t know he was al-Qaida, or any kind of terrorist.  Actually, I figured it out on my own, in time.”

“Where is this man located?  And what is his name…or the name he’s using?”

“Laguna de Perlas—and his name is Rafael Sanchez.”

“Is it his real name?”

“I do not know.  He told me he was originally from Guatemala.”

“Do you speak any language besides Spanish?”

“Yes…English…very well, I’ve been told.  Though my English is no match for your Spanish,” the captain answered in passable but heavily accented English.

Not wanting to hurt the man’s feelings, Jim sighed, “We will continue to use Spanish…though your English is very good.”

After a good deal of discussion, it was decided Dan, Dusty, Bear, and two of the SAS men would have to go back to the ranch, because of their wounds, along with the body of the SAS man killed.  They would go in one of the SAS vehicles, with another of the SAS men driving it.  When that was settled, Drew looked at Boris.  “I’ve always wanted to visit Laguna de Perlas.”

Boris smiled and nodded.  “If I had any idea where it was, I’m sure I’d agree.”

Suzan butted in.  “It’s about a hundred and ten miles up the coast from the eastern border between Costa Rica and Nicaragua…population, about eleven thousand.”

Even as Boris started to ask, “How do you happen to know that, dear wife?” Holly tried to stop him.

When she was too late, she did manage to speak before Suzan.  “Oh, crap—here it comes.”

Suzan, the former Marine Captain, threw out her chest.  “In the United States, we train our Marines.”

Boris just sighed as Sharon asked, “Is this gonna be a family vacation?  By ‘family,’ I mean Suz and me, along with Andrew James.”

Drew shook his head.  “No…boys’ night out, as it were.  We’ll also need to borrow one of the planes, and could probably use a pilot or two.”

Suzan smiled.  “I’ll fly you.  Who wants to sit up front with me?”

Janet almost laughed.  “Well, I’m sure not gonna sit around and listen to Orf cry about the little hole in his leg.”

Seizing on a chance to keep Trip out of harm’s way, Jim raised his hand.  “Okay, that’s solved.  Trip, will you drive them back in one of the unarmed buggies?  You know your way better than the rest of us, and I’ve seen both Suzan and Jan drive.”

Trip started to object, then remembered his special friend, Dusty, was going back.   “Yes, sir.”


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