Friday, January 15, 2016

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Assassin I Am (latest book in More Books) - Some humor on a shopping trip.

Today’s excerpt is from Assassin I Am, a standalone book featuring new hero Fred Dupree.  After his plane is blown up, Fred brings his new friend, Rosemary, home with him to his hideout near Sedona, Arizona.  Since her clothing was lost when the plane was attacked, Fred offers to take her to town for some shopping.  Enjoy and have a great day.



On the drive back to the highway, Fred gave Rosemary careful instructions and pointed out landmarks she could use to find her way.  She just followed his instructions, not telling him she could find her way already.  When they reached Sedona, Fred directed her to a place to park that was convenient for most of the shopping she would do.  They went into a small store selling mostly women’s clothing.  The sales clerk offered to help, as Rosemary explained her luggage had been ‘lost’ and she would need several items.  When the clerk offered a few suggestions and took a blouse off a rack, Fred crinkled up his face in obvious disapproval.

On the flight from Scott Air Force Base, Fred had asked the airman for an ice pack Rosemary could use on her swelling lip and darkening eye, but both still showed signs of damage—especially the eye, which was becoming “a full and proper black eye”, as Fred had put it during idle conversation over breakfast.

Rosemary and the clerk had both noticed Fred’s distain at the item shown to Rosemary.  While Rosemary didn’t much care for it either, she looked it over and muttered to the sales girl, “I sorta like this, even if the guy who gave me the fat lip and black eye doesn’t much approve.  But not wanting further damage to my body, I guess I’ll pass.”

Fred sighed, grunted, and growled, “I get the message.  About four doors down is a bar and restaurant.  I’m going for a drink…or three, since I have a chauffeur.  See you later.”

As he started to walk off, he stopped, took out his wallet, and extracted a credit card.  He handed it to Rosemary.  “Since I’m such a brute, I may was well pay.  See ya.”

Rosemary was laughing as he walked away and, after he was out of the building, she explained to the salesgirl that Fred hadn’t been the one who hit her, before she added, “Actually he saved me from the guy who did.  He was…is…a rapist and murderer, and was in the process of kidnapping me when Fred arrived on the scene and saved my bacon.  How I come to have no clothes is another story—one best left alone for now, I guess.  Anyhow, I only said that about Fred hitting me to get rid of him, so I could shop in peace.”

Both women were laughing about that when Fred walked back in and summoned Rosemary by wagging his finger.  She walked over to him and he whispered his pin number into her ear, then added, “The card is a debit/credit card.  Use it either way…doesn’t matter.  But if you use it as a credit card, just sign my name.”  As he turned to leave, he stopped and told her how to spell Dupree.  Having done that, he sighed and left after telling her the pin number to the card.

While Rosemary went about her shopping, from time to time she would stop and load up the SUV with her purchases.  When she finally walked into the restaurant and up to Fred, he was about halfway through a steak lunch he had ordered—and had just ordered his third drink.  He glanced up at her and asked, “You want a steak?”

“Yes—but I’m not finished shopping yet.”

“Of course you aren’t…you’re a woman.  A beautiful, well-put-together woman—but still a woman.”

“Thanks for the ‘beautiful’.  How about ordering me a steak and drink?  I’ll be right back…I gotta pee.”

“How elegant—but your steak and drink will be ordered by the time you get back.”


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