Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - The Zimo Hunt (Asps Series, Book #2) - Bear, Dusty, and Kye find some trouble.

Today’s excerpt is from The Zimo Hunt, Book #2 of the Asps Series.  After monitoring a large al-Qaida camp inside Pakistan, Bear and Dusty head back to where Kye waits guarding their car.  As they get near her location, Dusty spots trouble.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



NOTE:  This will be my last posting for a few days.  Have to make a trip to the hospital for a bit of repair work on my aging heart.  


As the two men headed toward Kye and the car, they joked about who would have been making the trip alone the following day to get more water.  They continued to chat from time to time as they descended the high area they had reached to keep watch on the camp.  About an hour before they reached Kye, Dusty stopped and took a drink of water.  He handed the canteen to Bear, who asked, “What’s up?  This is twice you’ve stopped for water in the last twenty minutes.”

“We have company about three hundred feet behind us.  Seems to be just following for now…but I’m not wild about being stalked.”

That said, Dusty called Kye, told her about the situation, and added, “Get yourself in position to take out whoever it is.  When we’re about ten minutes from you, we’ll put it in second gear and hurry along.  Maybe he’ll speed up, to the point of being careless.”

Kye joked, “Will do—but don’t get killed in the meantime.  I’m not in the mood to break in a new lover.”

When Bear and Dusty neared Kye and the car, Dusty muttered, “Now, Bear,” and the two men sped up their pace to just short a running.  Neither man heard the shot that killed the man stalking them, but they did hear Kye say into her headset, “Guys, he’s not alone, get off your path…now!”

Dusty and Bear reacted quickly, as Dusty went down toward the path below, while Bear went further up the hillside.  Both turned and brought up their rifles as they made their move.  They saw four men, and as Dusty started to sight in on one of them, he dropped from a shot fired by Kye.  He quickly adjusted his aim and fired at another of the men, as shots rang out from their foes.  As a shot whizzed by him, Dusty squeezed off a killing shot, even as Bear was lining up for a second target, after killing one.  Bear shot him, as Kye’s shot also hit home.

When no further shots were headed in their direction, Bear sighed.  “I’ll go check ‘em out…give me cover.”

A few minutes later, Bear muttered into his headset, “They’re all dead.”

Dusty was already walking in his direction.  “Start checking them out for any kind of papers.”

“Ahead of you.  The one at my feet had Chechen papers.  Looks Chechen, too.”

Dusty, remembering Kye had mentioned that she thought the two who had been in her camp might have been Chechen, growled, “Just what we need, Chechens stalking us.  Those darn guys are good.  Wonder why they didn’t take us out earlier?”

Kye muttered, “Because they didn’t know who you were.  Nothing on what we’re wearing to give away who we belong to.”


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