Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Dog Pound (Janitors Series, Book #3) - Dan meets the gal he'll wed.

Today’s excerpt is from Dog Pound, Book #3 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Dan Orf meets the future Mrs. Orf in a very strange way.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



As those two rode one elevator down, the policeman rode another one up.  Unknown to any of the three men, the elevators passed each other between the fifth and sixth floors.  By the time the policeman reached the room, Janet had regained her sense enough to set the drink down—after taking a large swallow of it—and walked over to where she had laid her bra.  She was just starting to put it on when the policeman came through the still open door.

He ordered, “Police.  Freeze.”

Janet froze, and the bra, which was hanging on one shoulder, fell to the floor.  As it did, the policeman asked, “Where’s Martin?”

Just then, Dan, who had been called by Mark, came into the room, gun drawn.  The policeman spun around and Dan pointed the gun skyward, held out the palm of his other hand.  “Mark Yomo called me.  He’s on his way here.”

The policeman recognized Dan from having seen him with the new Lieutenant.  “Come on in.  I guess it’ll be okay, if Mark called you.”

Dan gave the lovely, nearly naked, young woman an admiring look.  “I believe this policeman asked you a question.”

Janet stammered, “He left.  He said he was going to see his partner.  Then two Asians came busting in here and asked me where he was.  I told them the same thing, and they left.”

Dan nodded, got out his cell phone, and called Mark.  When he had him, Dan grumbled, “He’s gone.  Some lovely female-type creature is in his room, with next to nothing on.  Say’s he told her he was going to see his partner.  Two of those Chinese guys have come and gone as well.”

Mark replied, “Shit.  Okay, I’m nearly there.  Be right up.  Nothing much to be done now.  I bet he saw whichever of the Chinese guys that was stationed in the lobby and split.”

Dan muttered, “Okay.  See you when you get here.”

As he was putting away his phone, Janet asked, “Can I get dressed?”

The policeman went over to her clothing, rooted through the neatly laid out items, and checked her purse.  Finding no weapons, he nodded.  “Okay, go ahead.”

Neither man made any attempt to conceal their enjoyment at watching her as she slowly put her clothes back on.  She was far too frightened to be embarrassed at that point, but also too frightened to make a show of the process.  She hooked her bra, put on her blouse and slacks, then sat on the bed to put on her socks and shoes. 

When she finished, Dan asked, “Just how did you happen to be here?  Are you a working girl?”

Janet got a puzzled look on her face.  “Working girl?”  Then it dawned on her and she blushed.  “No.  I was…er…on my way to town to…uh…you know, go bar hopping.”

“Evidently looking for male companionship,” grumbled the policeman in not a very friendly manner.

Janet hung her head.  “Something like that.”

Dan asked, “How’d you wind up with Martin?”

“He was walking on a road I was on and I stopped to give him a ride.  He said his car got stuck in the sand when he pulled off the road to rest a while…or something like that.”


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