Thursday, January 28, 2016

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Bullets And Baseball (Asps Series, Book #6) - Billy and Bear have some fun in Yemen.

Today’s excerpt is from Bullets And Baseball, Book #6 of the Asps Series.  In Yemen, Billy and Bear leave a rude surprise for a shipload of terrorists.  Enjoy and have a great day.



When Dusty reached the outskirts of Al Hudaydah, he had Kye call Bear.  After a short conversation, Bear told her he and Billy would be up and waiting for them in an alley next to the cut-rate hotel they were in.

Billy grumbled as he heard Bear’s part of the conversation, but soon got up.  Neither man had undressed after agreeing there was less likelihood of leaving their lodging with bugs by sleeping fully dressed. 

As Dusty pulled into the alley, with Ike right behind him, Bear and Billy walked up to Dusty’s car, got in the rear, then explained what their plan was.  Dusty thought it sounded good, while Kye thought they were “nuts.”

Bear directed Dusty to a place for both cars to park that allowed those in the car to see the ship he and Billy were going to “attack.”  Dusty had offered to go with them, but Bear thought they could handle it without help.

As the four in the cars watched, Bear and Billy went to the dock, seemed to head down a ladder of some type, then disappear from view.  At the bottom of the ladder, there was a slight ledge from an outcropping of rock.  Both men soon disrobed and eased into the water, for a three hundred yard swim to the boat. 

When they arrived at the bow of the ship, they swam around to the side of it, opposite the side nearest the dock.  There they found what they expected to—a ladder with a landing that had a small boat attached.  They had seen the smaller vessel come and go a few times, each time to return with more “recruits” aboard.   They correctly surmised the small boat must be off-loading some of the recruits from Oman on a much smaller boat arranged there. 

At the base of the ladder, no one was in sight.  So in no time the two were up on the landing, then up the ladder.  At the top, they peered over the gunwale.  The top of it was nearly three feet above the deck.  Again, no one was in sight, except for about twenty men sleeping on blankets on the deck.  Bear glanced at Billy, who shrugged, before they went over the gunwale and proceeded to search what they could of the ship.  Their main goal was to find something explosive they could rig to cause the most damage.

They found a small armory and busied themselves with rigging some of the contents to explode when they wanted them to go off.  Earlier in the day—or actually the previous day—they had been discussing the ‘how’ of using what they found aboard to cause the boat to explode.  Billy had had come up with an idea.  “Bear, the harbor’s water is pretty calm, and I’m sure once at sea, it’ll be much less calm.  What say when we rig it up, we figure out something so the rolling sea causes our trigger to go off with the motion.”

Bear had agreed and now, as they were rigging the explosives they’d found, Billy found a small bottle, and soon made a concoction which, when moving much, would explode.  Bear checked it out, and nodded.  “Yeah, that’ll do…nice work.  Give it to me—I got the perfect place to put it.”

As those two left the boat, Jack muttered, “Didn’t take them too long.”

Dusty agreed as he watched Bear and Billy swim until they were out of sight, when they neared where they had left their clothing.  Kye joked, “Sure hope they carry their clothes back here.  At this distance, it looks like Billy is hung pretty well.”

Dusty—knowing full well Kye hadn’t been able to see any such thing—just shook his head, while Jack and Ike, in the other car, both laughed. 

When the two fully-clothed saboteurs reached Dusty’s car and got in, Dusty started up, then began the drive back to Sana’a, with Ike following close behind.

After Billy and Bear put their communication sets back on, there was quite a bit of joking around, especially about Kye’s words.


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