Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Devil's Brew (Janitors Series, Book #8) - Dirty Dozen times 20.

Today’s excerpt is from Devil’s Brew, Book #8 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Asked to enter Syria to take out a large (2,000 strong) al-Qaida training camp, the team starts the process of getting at least two hundred men to add to the team.  The only stipulation the President made on the new recruits were that they could not be employed by the government.  Jim added to that by insisting that none of the new men would be married, or deeply involved in their respective communities.  In addition to retired military men they knew who fit the mold, Boris suggested that they needed “a Dirty Dozen times about 20 or so”, thus Military and other Federal convicts would be considered.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.




When Holly, Hector, and Suzan reached the military prison at Fort Leavenworth, their arrival had been expected, along with knowledge that they could take any prisoners they wanted with them.

Hector rejected the first two men he interviewed out-of-hand.  The third impressed him enough that he made the offer.  “Okay, as my leader likes to say, here’s the deal.  The team I represent is going into a foreign nation after some terrorists.  We’ll probably be outmanned about ten to one.  If you want to join us, you’ll leave out of here now on a work-release program.  Tomorrow…”

“We don’t have a work release program.”

“You do now—by Presidential Executive Order.  Good until I leave this building.  Anyhow, as I was saying, tomorrow you’ll be listed as ‘escaped’ for violating the terms of the program—which are that you have to be back here by midnight.  You leave with me, you don’t ever come back.  You goof up or try any kind of shit, you’ll wish you were back here.  You come back alive from the mission, you’ll have a new identity and a hundred grand to start a new life.  I gotta tell you, there’s a real good chance you’re gonna get your butt shot off.  You in?”

“Are you kidding me?  Hell, yes!”

“Alright.  Anything in your cell you need?”

“Not really.”

“Fine.  I’m gonna tell the guard to take you out to a bus we have outside.  You’ll be put aboard.  There are two armed airmen on the bus.  You move, open your mouth, or fart, and they have orders to shoot you.  Got it?”


After Hector arranged to have the man taken to the bus, he sought out Holly.  She was conducting her fourth interview.  He asked her to step into the hallway outside the interview room.  Hector had set it up that he would do a few interviews, then only do the final portion of the interviews with any Holly and Suzan had approved of.

“Holly, I’ve got one out of here.  He’s on the way to the bus.  How’re you doin’?”

“Two for you to check out.  One back in his cell.  I’m on the verge of sending the one inside back to his cell.”

“If you’re on the verge, do it.  We don’t have all day.”

“Yes, Jim, dear.”

Hector grinned.  “Thanks for the compliment.”


By seven that evening, the bus had 24 ex-prisoners on board and was heading for the Federal Penitentiary at Leavenworth.

Hector called Jim.  “We got 24 out of Leavenworth…one over half of those we talked to.  I didn’t think we’d do near that well.  We’re now on our way to the Federal Prison.”

“Good job.  Boris, Drew, and I have a total of 12, so far.  About half of Ski’s guys are already at Quantico.”

“Hmmm.  I thought we’d only wind up with about a hundred total.  We’ve already passed that.  Sure would be nice to have two hundred or more, but we’ll never get there.”

“Doesn’t look that way, Hec.  Talk to you later.”

“By the way, Holly called me ‘Jim, dear’.”

“You piss her off?”


“See ya.”

“So long.”

Hector was chuckling as they drove up to the front of the building.  Leavenworth Federal Prison was a foreboding-looking structure.  And Hector, who thought the Military Prison was bad enough, sighed as he led the two ladies up the front steps.

The Warden was none-too-happy to see them, or about the possibility of turning any of the seven inmates they had selected to speak with over to them.

Hector and the ladies agreed that he’d interview one inmate, then take a look at any Holly and Suzan approved of.

Jim’s original computer program was set up to automatically reject rapists and child molesters.  Their review of files had caused them to reject many more for the nature of their crimes.

The first one Hector interviewed was in for killing three people in an auto accident on Federal property while driving under the influence.  He was serving a 20-year sentence, 10 years completed.  He had been an Army Ranger while in the service.  Hector offered the deal and was accepted.

Holly was on her second interview, having rejected the first, who spent the entire interview staring at her more-than-ample bust line, or drooling at her beauty.

Suzan was also on her second, and when Hector called her away, she smiled.  “You’re gonna love this.  The first one I talked to, I want you to check out.  As an Indian myself, I oughta kill the guy just as soon as we get him to Quantico.  Damned guy killed his wife on the reservation—where he’d retired to after getting out of the Navy…he was an extremely well-thought-of SEAL by the way.  Killing his wife for cheating was almost understandable.  But when he was found, he was barbequing her…and eating her!” 

“And you want me to talk to this guy?”

“I think so, Hec.  You get past his killing and eating his wife and he’d be okay.”

Hector just rolled his eyes.  Twenty minutes later, the man was on the bus.  When they drove off they had a total of 27 ex-prisoners on board, having taken three of the seven interviewed at the Federal Prison.

By 3:00 am the entire force was gathered at U.S. Marine Base Quantico, located in Virginia, south of Washington.  Including the eleven Janitors, there were 152 men (and the three Janitor women) encamped.


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