Monday, May 11, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Back To China (Other Books) - Jim and friends bail out of B-2 inside China to rescue two kidnapped scientists.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To China from the Other Books section of the below web site.  After jumping from the bomb bay of the B-2 taking them into China, Jim and friends spot the expected sentries.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



A little less than an hour later, the B-2 pilot told Jim to get ready.  A red and green light had been rigged in the bomb bay.  When the red light came on, the four occupants were ready.  Suddenly, they were free falling from thirty thousand feet.  After they passed through the clouds and into the rain, they joined up.  At a little more than five hundred feet, they separated and opened their chutes.  All four landed alongside the resupply road, not ten feet apart.  There was little wind to go with the downpour, so they had their chutes gathered up in short order and went into the tree line, looking for a good place to bury them and the thermal gear covering their other clothing.  The digging was easy, and it didn’t take too long to bury everything.

By prior agreement, Billy and Bob crossed the road and moved toward the facility they sought.  Hector and Jim did the same on their side of the road.  All four stayed inside the tree line.  The forestation had not been cleared until near the facility, then in a three-quarters crescent around the entrance extending out over a hundred feet in all directions within the partial moon-shaped clearing.  This included the road, which as it passed in front of the entrance, was less than eighty feet away.

By the time they neared the end of the trees, Hector and Jim had spotted two sentries on the other side of the road, and one on their side.  Billy and Bob had spotted two on the other side, including the one seen by Jim and Hector, but only one of the two seen on their side by the other two.

Just as Billy started to take another step, Bob’s hand shot out and grabbed him.  Billy froze as another sentry came part way out from behind a tree, not ten feet away.  They stood firm until the sentry moved back to where he had been.  Only then did Billy ease back alongside Bob.  He nodded and lipped, “Thank you.”

All four men had noticed while they had night vision gear; the sentries did not.  Obviously this pleased them all.  Billy and Bob eased further back into the trees, then started a wider swing around the area.  In time they spotted the other sentry on Jim and Hector’s side, and the last one their side.  Satisfied there were probably no more, due to the spacing, they eased further back.

Sure he was far enough away to do so, Bob whispered, “We see six….three on each side.”

Jim and Hector had done much as had the other two.  Hector whispered back, “Yeah—us, too.”

Hector glanced at Jim and shrugged.  Jim nodded and whispered, “Time to hunker down.  When the relief comes out for these guys, it should confirm our count.”

All four did “hunker down,” and stayed so for more than two hours.  Finally, at 11:45, six men came out of the entrance to the facility.  All four men in Jim’s group watched carefully as they exited the underground structure.  They watched even more intently as the six being relieved went back in.  Jim nearly sighed aloud when the first man in line reached and pulled the door open, without any signal.


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