Thursday, May 21, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Dead Silent Calm (Janitors Series) - Drew tracks down killer, JIm reports to FBI Director.

Today’s excerpt is from Dead Silent Calm, Book #7 of the Janitors Series.  Drew tracks down the man who killed Billy’s wife with the help of a big time mob boss.  Then after telling Jim what he found out from the killer, Jim passes it on to John Engle.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.
“Hi, John.  Jim here.  We have the guy who did it.  He’s gonna disappear.  So is the jerk who paid for the deal.  Didn’t have anything to do with terrorists.  Was personal.  I’ve got the name and address of the guy who supplied the gun.  You might want to pass it along to the local cops…toss ‘em a bone as it were.”
John sighed.  “I didn’t hear any of this conversation…except about the gun.  Give me that and I’ll pass it along with an added suggestion that they stop looking for the killer.”
Jim gave John the information on the gun dealer.  After he wrote it down and verified he had it correct, John asked, “May I ask how you found him so fast?”
“Drew’s trip to New York paid dividends.  Janet also had a lead on him…good old detective work.”
“What-in-the-hell did Drew have on Calabrese?”
“Don’t know.  Must have been something pretty strong to get him to give up a shooter, even if the guy wasn’t his, which he wasn’t.”
“Do I get a hint?”
“I thought you didn’t hear the first part of my conversation with you.”
John sighed again.  “Okay.  At least the guy won’t be killing anybody else.  But I want you to know I don’t like this one little bit.  I ought to bust your balls.”
“Good point.  So long.”
After hanging up, Jim glanced at Billy and smiled.  “John isn’t a very happy camper.”
Billy nodded.  “Don’t blame him.”
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