Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Too Many Women (Other Books) - New hero Bob Becker has some fun with new client.

Today’s excerpt is from Too Many Women, the first book of the Becker Trilogy.  Bob sets the price for his new client.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



“I gotta another question.”

“Terri, you’re sure full of questions.”

“Yeah—I like to know what I’m paying for…speaking of which, you said you charged a lot of money.  How much?”

“For you, about ten grand a question.  You should be bankrupt by the time you go to bed.”


“Really.  Can we get back to some sensible planning, please?”

“You never let me ask my first question.  When Bill was showing me around upstairs, I saw the barn-like building, on the other side of your land from Bill’s house.  It has what almost looks like a runway in front of it—is it?  A runway, I mean?”

“Yes, dear.  The barn is the hangar.  And before you ask—yes, it has a plane in it.  Before you ask again, it is a twin-engine prop job.  Both Bill and I fly, but neither has ever flown a jet.  Before you ask, Bill is far the better pilot.”

“Do I have to pay ten thousand dollars for those questions I never got to ask?”

“Yes.  Now I have one…why didn’t you ask Bill about the ‘barn’ and runway while you were looking at it?”

“Bill was flirting and I liked it—had my mind elsewhere, besides your damned old barn.”


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