Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - The Saltwater Connection (Janitors Series) - Dan and Hector blow it as terrorists kidnap another woman.

Today’s excerpt is from The Saltwater Connection, Book #6 of the Janitors Series.  The terrorists kidnap another young woman…right under the noses of the FBI, Dan, and Hector.  Enjoy and have a great day.
The terrorist, for his part, was starting to get a bit flustered, as he had spotted nothing of use as he pulled into a parking lot near a sports bar and grill.  As was his practice, he turned off his car and waited.
One of the FBI cars in the tailing team pulled to a stop half a block down from the parking lot, as Dan drove on by the lot in the opposite direction and found a street parking spot.  As he pulled in, he glanced at Hector.  “I guess if he goes into that bar back there, we’ll have to go in.  All of the FBIs have already gone in when he did and we don’t want him seeing the same guy twice.”
“Yeah.  I could use a drink anyhow, and damn sure something to eat.  I’m getting hungry as all get-out.”
Dan chuckled.  “Me, too.”
At that moment, a very nice looking young woman pulled into the parking lot, parked her car, got out, and headed for the sports bar.  The terrorist quickly called Ibn on his cellphone.  “I have one.  Rather tall blonde.  Nice body.  Drove in a dark sedan, two-door.  I think maybe a Saturn.  The parking spot next to her is vacant.”
“On my way.  Should be there in the next minute.  Go on in.”
Without reply, the terrorist turned off his phone, got out of his car, and headed for the entrance of the bar.  The FBI agents parked half a block down saw him and called Dan.  “He’s headed in.”
“Thanks.  We’ll go, since you guys have both already been inside with him.  Plus which, we’re both hungry.”
The FBI agent laughed.  “Okay.  Good hunting.”
Dan cocked his head sideways and got out of the car, with Hector following.  Inside, they spotted their prey and opted for a seat to his back.  When a waitress came to their table, both men ordered drinks and sandwiches, then settled in to wait.
Before their food arrived, the terrorist was served what he had ordered and started to eat.  Dan and Hector sipped their drinks while waiting on their food…food they would spend a long time wishing they had never ordered.
When their waitress brought their order, the young woman selected for abduction got up from the table she had been sitting at and headed out of the bar.  She was shielded by the waitress from Dan and Hector, but not the terrorist, who quickly got up and went into the men’s room.  He dialed his cellphone on the way there.  As soon as Ibn answered, he simply reported, “On the way.”
Ibn didn’t reply, but quickly alerted his companions.  The sliding door of the van was already cracked about an inch.  When the woman reached her car, it slid open the rest of the way and Haji Sitta jumped out, duct tape in hand.  In very short order, the woman was in the rear of the van, getting a shot to quiet her.
Meanwhile, the spotter paid his bill—even though he had not quite finished his meal—and headed outside.  Dan sighed and called the FBI team parked down the street.  “He’s heading out.”
“See him.”
When the white van pulled out of the lot, it temporary shielded the spotter from the FBI team, but they paid it no mind, as they soon saw him getting into his car.
Inside, as Dan was paying their bill, a man ran into the bar and shouted to the bartender, “Call 911!  Two guys in a white van just grabbed a woman as she was getting into her car.”
Dan just tossed down more money than needed on the table as he followed Hector out of the building.  As they hurried to their car, Dan took out his cellphone and called the FBI team.  “Anybody see a white van?  Guys in it just snatched a gal.”
“Yeah.  Shit, it went the other way from the way we’re headed.  The direction your car is pointing.  Made a right at the first street.  You hurry, you might catch him.  Want us to stay on the spotter?”
“Yes,” Dan answered as he climbed in behind the steering wheel.  As he started the car, he handed the phone to Hector and quickly filled him in.  In seconds Dan was out in traffic and soon made the right turn.  Ahead, he and Hector could see several cars and other vehicles, but no white van.
As he drove, Hector was reporting their progress using the cellphone.  Soon other FBI teams in the area were heading down various streets near where Dan was driving.  After about ten minutes, all felt the situation was hopeless and it was agreed to again concentrate on the spotter.
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