Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - How 'bout Both (Other Books) - Elmer and Maine in shootout with terrorists.

Today’s excerpt is from How ‘bout Both, the third and final book of the Bader Trilogy.  Elmer and Maine take down terrorists holding young females to be used as “suicide bombers” against their will.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



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She realized she’d never have time to open the door, so did the only thing she could think of at the time…she jumped through the front window.  It was a nearly full-length window.  It came within a foot of the floor, while about the same distance from the ceiling.  As Jillian crashed through, the leader of the terrorist cell paused.  He looked dumbfounded at what he’d just seen.  Then as Jillian, who had fallen to the concrete walk in front of the house, got up and started to run, he regained his senses.  He charged through the opening where the window had been. 

Just then Elmer was nearing the front of the house, and saw the entire incident.  He also saw the gun in the hand of the terrorist, so slammed on the brakes of Ruth’s car.  Even as it was stopping and he was putting it in park, he opened his door while reaching for his own weapon.  Just as the terrorist raised his gun to fire at Jillian, Elmer fired and hit him in the forehead.  As the terrorist dropped to the ground, the terrorist who had helped the man in charge of Betsey put her in the van was coming through the door, back into the house from the garage.  He heard the gunfire, then saw his comrade fall. 

He also saw Jillian running around the car, as Elmer shouted at her to do, saw Elmer, then took aim at the intruder.  Elmer was trying to do too many things at once.  As he saw blood pouring from Jillian’s arm, where she had cut herself going through the window, he pulled off his tie and tossed it to her.  Even as he ordered, “Tie it around your cut,” he had his cell phone out, pushing the speed dial button for Maine’s phone. 

As she answered, the other terrorist cut loose with an automatic weapon.  He sprayed Ruth’s car.  Elmer fired back, but missed as he yelled, “I need backup,” then quickly told Maine where he was.  Without waiting for an answer, he fired again at the terrorist firing at him.  This time his shots hit home, as he hit the man in the chest, head, then the head again as he was easing to the ground.  The last shot went into a dead man, but Elmer was beyond taking chances.  The partially drugged man came to the window, fumbled with his weapon, but soon died of a shot to the head, and one to his collapsing body. 

Meanwhile, Maine had told Homer to turn left at the first cross street they came to, as she told him about Elmer’s request for backup, along with sounds of gunfire.  By the time Homer reached the street Elmer was on—two blocks over, then made a right turn onto it—Maine was calling in for backup from all units in the area.  She mentioned there was gunfire, with an officer involved. 

By then the garage door opened.  The van driver, at the instructions of the fourth terrorist from that safe house, was backing out of the garage.  From his angle and vantage point, Elmer could only see part of the driver’s head.  That was all he needed.  Knowing he was nearing the end of his clip, he fired at what he could see…the man’s jaw.  His shot ran true, but the van kept backing up, even as the man grabbed for the area of the inflicted pain.  He managed to get far enough down the drive for Elmer to have a clear shot at his entire head.  That was as far as he drove, as Elmer neatly put a shot into his left ear. 

While Elmer ejected his clip, then slammed a new one into his weapon, the other terrorist in the van reached over and turned off the ignition.  He moved the driveshaft lever into park, took out his own weapon, and started to get out of the van even as Homer screeched to a stop behind it.  Maine was out of the car, gun retrieved from her sling where she’d been keeping it since Elmer’s call.  She saw the terrorist with weapon in hand.  She asked no questions…she just fired.  The round hit him in the left chest, as he was only partially turned in her direction.  She followed her shot up with one just under his left eye. 


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