Friday, May 1, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books -SNEAK PREVIEW - Monster's Palace (Other Books) - Jo Kelly introduced.

Today’s excerpt is another SNEAK PREVIEW from Monster’s Palace the new book found in the Other Books section of the below web site.  Jo Kelly is introduced to the book and makes a decision that leads to much upheaval in her life…and Clyde’s life.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.
NOTE:  This book in now available on Amazon’s Kindle Book Store, but not yet posted on the below web site…be a couple of days.
NOTE:  For those of you who may have visited the below web site in the last few weeks, there was a problem with it.  The matter has now been solved and it is good to go. 
    While those two plotted, a lady by the name of Josephine (Jo) Kelly, who owned a rather upscale art dealership in the Washington, D.C. area, had just made a startling discovery.  While it didn’t surprise her, it was something she would just as soon not know.
    Several months earlier she had gone to a party, and there had met Tino Pelosi and Basil Farhat—though those were not the names they used…at least not the last names.  The first names were correct, and Tino asked her at the party if she was interested in having well-made replicas of nice artifacts known to exist—clearly marked as such, with no attempt to deceive and sell as the real item. 
    After looking at a few pieces he brought by, with a label on the bottom stating they were replicas, she bought them on the spot, due to the very reasonable price.  When told there were many other pieces available from the same South American artists making replicas, she agreed to look at any they might have to offer. 
    Jo’s building was in a very nice area, with a very good lease.  In addition to her showroom, there was an attached work area, where she often did a bit of restoration work on original pieces needing little more than some cleanup work.  The work area had a sliding door at the rear of the building, with an adjacent loading ramp for deliveries.   In time, she worked out an agreement with Tino to have items delivered to her shop, but in his name.  He suggested she could have first pick on any items delivered, except those pre-sold elsewhere.  The remainder of the shipment would be taken away by Tino and Basil.
    Jo always wondered about the arrangement, but this day she walked into the work area before she opened her store for the day.  Basil had just dropped a piece on the concrete floor.  It shattered, and white powder spilled out.  Jo swallowed as she looked at the mess on the floor.  Thinking fast, she growled, “Tino, after you clean up this mess—including the talcum powder—please try to be more careful in the future.”
    Before he could respond, she turned abruptly away and went back into the store.  After she shut the door behind her, Basil asked, “What should we do about her?  She isn’t a stupid woman.  She knows our product on the floor is not talcum powder.”
    “We do nothing…at least not now.  Don’t forget who suggested we work with her.  Before we would ever consider doing anything about her knowledge, we would have to get authorization to do so.  We kill her, we might be next.  For now, clean up the mess you made, while I pull her portion of the shipment.  After we load up, I’ll ask her to look at the pieces for her and give her a price below what I normally would.”
    “What if she’s calling the police right now?”
    “Then we have a problem.”
    Jo did not call the police.  When shown the pieces for her and told the price, she paid for them, as always, in cash, and the matter was never spoken of again. 
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