Thursday, April 30, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Whodunit Did It (Other Books) - Ruth discovers something Elmer missed.

Today’s excerpt is from Whodunit Did It, the first of three Elmer Bader books.  Elmer’s third ex-wife (and current lover) discovers something he missed while checking cold case files.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



NOTE:  For those of you who may have visited the below web site in the last few weeks, there was a problem with it.  The matter has now been solved and it is good to go. 


When Elmer and Alan reached Ruth’s home, they carried their files inside.  After a fine meal, they started to go through what they had brought.   Elmer had brought half a dozen files they had already gone through.  He explained to Ruth what to look for as he handed her those files.  He noticed as he worked on his stack of files that she was lagging behind.  He figured it was to be expected, as he realized she was doing her best to be thorough.  His observation made, he almost felt bad about giving her files they had already gone through.  All the files he had given her, he had personally gone through.

At one point Ruth smiled, “This is fun.  If I knew how much fun you two had at work, I might have become a cop, too.”

Alan and Elmer just looked at each other, shrugged, then went back to work.  As he got near the end of his pile of files, Elmer glanced at Ruth.  He saw she was intent on something in one of her files.  He wondered about it, but went back to work, only to soon hear Ruth say, “I think I’ve got one.”

Elmer nearly laughed, but went over to sit next to Ruth on the couch.  She told him why she thought the file might be the same man as “Whodunit.”  He looked over the file he had already been through.  “Damn, damn, and damn.  You’re right, Ruthie.”

“Why so upset?”

Realizing he was going to have to lie or tell the truth, he thought a second before he realized he had never lied to Ruth, so told her the truth.  She picked up one of the discarded files.  She hit him over the head with it as she muttered a few oaths.

Alan, having taken that all in, tried to help his partner.  “Ruth, may I point out Elmer told you he had been the one to go through those files, meaning he missed what you found—which makes you a better detective than the great Elmer Bader?”

Ruth stopped hitting Elmer and swearing, then grinned, “Yeah—thanks, Alan.  You can sleep in my room tonight—this bozo can sleep in yours.”


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