Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Dead Silent Calm (Janitors Series) - Our two old spies trick the Chinese.


Today’s excerpt is from Dead Silent Calm, the Book #7 of the nine-book Janitors series.  The two old spies trick their Chinese hosts so Boris can go speak with someone from an old network of spies he had in China.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



At 6:00 sharp they were met at their door and escorted down to the very nice hotel restaurant, where they enjoyed a fine meal.  At the conclusion of the meal, Boris looked at the man who seemed to be heading the host team.  “I wonder if it would be possible for you to arrange two bicycles for us?  My old feet no longer appreciate long walks, and I’ve gotten in the habit of taking a nice long ride after my evening meal.”

Caught totally off-guard by the request, the man thought a few moments, then replied.  “Of course.  Perhaps two of my men should accompany you on your ride so you don’t get lost.”

Boris and Drew had discussed their plan long before getting on the plane to Beijing, and both anticipated being accompanied.  Boris nodded.  “I would appreciate that very much.  From what I saw of your lovely city on our drive from the airport, I can see where it’d be very easy to get lost.”

Soon Boris, Drew and their two “keepers” were cycling away.  Boris more or less led the way, seemingly cycling away aimlessly, but in reality looking for a concentration of heavy foot and cycle traffic.  When he saw what he was looking for he headed into a mass of humanity and soon managed to “accidentally” separate himself from the others. 

On the pretense of looking for the now “lost” Boris, Drew managed to impede both “keepers” and grinned inwardly at their panic at having lost one of their charges.

Convinced he’d lost the others, Boris turned down an alley he knew well and was soon on his way to the first of his old contacts.


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