Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Toboggan (Janitors Series) - Fun and games after near ruin.


Today’s excerpt is from Toboggan, the Book #4 of the nine-book Janitors series.  A boat ride out of harm’s way in a raging river nearly ends in disaster.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



They shot up the bank onto the snow at its edge and scooted along the snow at a surprisingly fast speed.  So fast that they traveled nearly a hundred and fifty feet before the boat ran into a tree stump, which had seen the top portion of the tree break off at the five-foot level during the past winter.

The boat stopped with a thud and both Nick and Phyllis were thrown from it.  Both landed, somehow unhurt, in the deep snow fifteen feet away.  Nick had been tossed head over heels and landed on his backside.  Phyllis had been tossed straight backwards and slid on her back until coming to a stop, a few feet from Nick.

Still a bit stunned, Nick looked around.  “Well, that didn’t go too well.”

Phyllis sat up and looked at Nick.  She thought about the look on his face and what he’d said and busted out laughing.  Soon her laughter was out of control as she rolled over in the snow, kicked her legs, and pounded her fists.

Seeing this, Nick started to laugh too, but not nearly as out of control as Phyllis was.  When she finally started to calm down, Nick got up, looked around, saw their bag some twenty feet from him, and walked over to pick it up.  As he walked back with it, he smiled, “Well, at least we still have our bag.”

This caused Phyllis to start laughing all over again.  When she could control herself, she got up, made a snowball, and threw it at Nick.  It hit him squarely in the side of his head.  Then she hopped through the snow the best she could and tackled him, climbed on top of him, and started pounding away.

“Hey, hey.  That hurts.”

“I told you I didn’t want to get in that damn boat.  Don’t you ever, ever, try to get me in another one.”

Her energy spent, she stopped hitting him and rolled off.  “Does that mean a honeymoon cruise is out the question?

Phyllis just lamely reached over and hit him with her backhand.


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