Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Latest fromthe Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Fido (Asps Series) - Dusty bugs the car of a bad guy.


Today’s excerpt is from Fido, the Book #3 of the nine-book Asps series.  Dusty bugs car belonging to terrorist leader setting up shop in Colombia.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Bear swore softly.  “Well, they sure do believe in lights.”

Not only was the front of Muhammad’s house well-lit, so was the back.  The sides were less so, but only barely.  The three took in the scene, and Dusty sighed.  “Well, looks like only one car.  Kye, you drop further back and check out the garage-looking building out back, and make sure no cars are in there.  Bear, I’m thinking this is a one-man job.  I’ll go, you cover me.  I’ll go straight for the side of the house, then work my way forward, to make my try at the car.  Should have brought a darn rifle.”

Harry could hear.  “Then go back for one.”

Dusty replied, “No, we need to get that car bugged.  I’ll go ahead.  Harry, you watch the driveway…you can see it from where you are.  Sarah, bring us a rifle…may as well bring one for yourself.  Go to the rear of the grounds, then cut straight across.  When you get to the second set of grounds, you’ll see all the lights in the world.  Follow the tree line up about a hundred feet and you’ll find Bear.”

“On my way, as soon as I get a black sweater on.”

“Right,” Dusty said as he stood up and ran for the side of the house.

From the tree line to the house was nearly a hundred and fifty feet—just about the maximum distance for accuracy with the Asps.  A hundred feet was better, but both men knew there was nothing to be done about it right now.  As Dusty made his move, Kye was headed for the rear of the free-standing garage, some hundred and fifty feet behind the house. 

When Dusty reached the side of the house, he took a deep breath and worked his way forward, to the corner where the side of the house and the front met.  He had already guessed the distance to the car from there to be about fifty feet.  Staying close to the house, he moved forward, until he was even with the car, now only about ten feet away.  Knowing light was hard to see through, he was glad the inside lights were on in the windows nearest the car.  His happy thought in mind, he hurried to the car and around it.  He dropped down, crawled under it, and attached a homing device sending unit, in a place not easily spotted.  He got back out from under the car, got up to a kneeling position, and looked into the car.  He saw two things at once.  It had an alarm system, but was unlocked and the alarm system seemed not to be on.  He thought, “Mess this up now, and you’ll be the joke of the team,” then slowly opened the door…no alarm sounded.  He quickly reached inside and put a bug under the front seat.  He very slowly shut the door.  It didn’t latch, but he leaned his shoulder hard into in and the latch clicked.  When it did, he hurried back to the side of the house and retraced his path, back to where Bear waited, rifle now in hand, as Sarah had arrived.  Kye was also back and told Dusty the garage was empty.   Dusty just grunted.  “These idiots should use it…would have made my job easier.”


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