Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - The Zimo Hunt (Asps Series) - Tony gets a peep show.


Today’s excerpt is from The Zimo Hunt, the Book #2 of the nine-book Asps series.  Senior British SIS agent Tony Henry is being flown to France in Holly’s plane intent on taking down an al-Qaida cell.  The three women aboard decided to give him some help.  Enjoy and have a great day.



Suzan asked, “By yourself…with no backup?”

“Sorry to say, I have no one I can trust to use as backup.  All of my capable people are running around in the circles I sent them out to run around.”

Suzan muttered, “Oh,” and smiled inwardly, knowing full well he’d have backup.

Once the plane was airborne, with Holly flying and Suzan in the right seat, those two had a conversation while Tony and Sharon rode in the cabin of the plane, chatting about nothing.  Their conversation complete, Holly grinned, “Take over.  We’re on auto-pilot,” then got up, and headed back to the cabin.  When there, she went to one of the seats, popped a hidden button, and watched as the back of the seat opened up.  She took off her clothes, down to bra and panties, reached into the seat, and pulled on a pair of skintight pants.  With Tony enjoying the view—but totally at a loss as to what Holly was up to—she put on a pullover top.  Next, she sat down and put on a pair of black sneakers from the same place where she had gotten the pants and pullover.  Holly then stood up, reached in the compartment, and took out a shoulder holster with Asp.  After putting the shoulder holster on, she took out the gun and made sure it was loaded.  She took out a black jacket, put it on, buttoned it, moved around a bit to check for comfort, shut the compartment, and went back up to the cockpit…never having said a word.

Moments later, Suzan came back, went to another seat, popped the hidden button in it, and went through the same routine as Holly had.  Then she looked at Sharon and smiled.  Sharon sighed and joked, “I knew you two would figure out some way to get me back in the Janitors—and they don’t even exist anymore.  Which seat has something that’ll fit me?”

After her first husband had been killed, Sharon had joined the Janitors for about two days, then decided their methods were just too far from her FBI training, and had left the team to return to the FBI.

Suzan walked to another seat, pushed the hidden button, and when the compartment opened up, she returned to the cockpit, while Tony got another partial striptease performed in front of him.  He did notice that Sharon wore black underwear and thought approving thoughts about that…the flimsiness of the bra, in particular.

When Sharon finished putting on her black outfit, with Asp, she rooted through a bag from her shopping trip and took out some garish red lipstick she planned to wear to tease Drew with.  She put on an overly large portion of the lipstick, walked forward to the cockpit, and handed it to Holly and smiled.

Holly looked at Sharon and kidded, “Oh, yes, perfect,” and put on an equally offensive amount of the lipstick.

As Holly handed the lipstick to Suzan, she joked, “Tony and his three sluts will do Paris proud,” before she glanced at Sharon and added, “Dad will never approve of this lipstick, you know.”

“I know.  Gotta have some fun sometime.  He’ll crap when I spring it on him.”

Suzan joked, “One way to keep him regular.”

The three women were laughing when Tony came up to the cockpit and asked, “Okay, ladies…what gives?”

Holly told him.

Tony looked at her and shook his head.  “I appreciate the offer of help.  However, if we get caught killing these chaps, there will be hell to pay.  We’ll all wind up in French jails.  My government might…and I repeat, might…be able to get me out, but you three could spend a goodly amount of time in a French prison.”

Holly grinned.  “Oh, hush, Tony.  We’re going with you.  Plus which, it’ll help your cover if you go traipsing off with three trollops…and with this lipstick, we fit the bill, with our all-black outfits.”

“Okay.  Thanks.  One thing…the next time you undress in front of me that way, please be kind enough to change bras, also…um, except you Sharon…yours is quite nice.”

Suzan grumbled, “Girls, save a shot for Tony, after we take out the bad guys.”


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