Friday, April 3, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - The Saltwater Connection (Janitors Series) - Spiderman cult...aka Muslims.


Today’s excerpt is from Saltwater Connection, the Book #6 of the nine-book Janitors series.  Dan explains about the spiderman cult…aka Muslims.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Amid a few snickers, Dan nodded.  “Sure, Jim.  It’d be an honor.  Be fun to track down and kill spiderman cult extremists.”

Jim looked at Dan with a questioning tilt of his head, Janet rolled her eyes, and Dan smiled.  “Uh, the spiderman cult deal comes from a young friend…a SEAL who I’m proud to say I helped train and who saved my bacon by carrying me out of harms way on his back after I got all shot up.  A fellow by the name of Bob Becker.  Anyhow, it seems a terrorist outfit…don’t know what group or exactly where it happened…but this group of bad guys kidnapped two nuns and were trying to get a large ransom.  To the everlasting credit of our President, he authorized the SEALs to go rescue the nuns.  Bob led the team, and even as they approached their LZ, they could see a major fire-fight underway.  They went ahead on in and, once on the ground, went forward and used their electronic gear to determine who was the bad guys and who was the good guys.  Once they were sure, the fight was soon over as they assisted the good guys. 

“Too bad, but they found out the nuns had been killed…at least three days prior to the SEALs arriving on the scene.  But this is where the story gets really interesting.  After a few tries to communicate, it was discovered that the ‘good guys’ and the SEALs all spoke at least passable Arabic.  Then they sat down and discussed things.  During the course of that conversation, Bob found out that the group was a Christian sect…dating to way back.  I mean way back.  They had absolutely no use for any Muslim…period.  Seems one of the ancient ancestors had actually been a sidekick of that Mohammad jerk.  Seems Mohammad was a low-life, two-bit crook determined to be the real deal…and wanting to take the wind out of the sails of those who believed in Jesus.  First the idiot tried to walk on water.  This ancestor of those Bob was talking to had pulled him out of the drink before he drowned.  Then the two of them, Mohammad and the ancestor, were in a cave and a large spider came near Mohammad and the dope nearly crapped his pants before his sidekick saved him again by stepping on the spider.  So Mohammad got to thinking and came up with the story of a cave full of spiders, et cetera, as one of his miracles.  Then he got the sidekick and two other of his close allies to lie about the ‘ordeal.’  But as the story grew and grew, and Mohammad became revered as something other than he really was, first one of the other two of his men was sent into battle, without a chance of winning.  Then the other one was offed in the same manner.  The original sidekick decided that his days were numbered and split.  Tired and hungry he wound up being found by members of the Christian sect.  In time he converted and became a Christian.  But being surrounded by these spiderman creeps, no way the sect ever let on that they knew the real story of Mohammad.  That’s the story and why Bob came up with the spiderman cult deal…I just sorta picked it up.  Is the story true?  Who knows or really cares.”


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