Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Devil's Brew (Janitors Series) - Wendy wounded during take off.


Today’s excerpt is from Devil’s Brew, the Book #8 of the nine-book Janitors series.  Wendy wounded but takes plane off, and after fast repairs takes control back from Holly.  Enjoy and have a great day.



Before Wendy could reply, Bruce ran back to the rear of the plane, as it started moving slowly.  Once to his buggy, he jumped in and got into the gun seat.  Then he looked at Phil.  “Give me something to tie myself down.”

Phil, already having secured himself with a safety line and done the same for Harry, did as asked.  But as he did, he growled, “Hey, Bruce, you better shoot straight.  You start shootin’ up my plane and I’ll toss you and this damned buggy right on out the back.”

By that time Wendy had her engines revved up enough to start her take off.  Just as the plane was about to leave the strip, an explosion near the front of the plane blew a hole in the side.

Wendy grunted, but continued with her take off.  Once airborne she looked to her right.  “Holly, take over.  I’m hit.”

Holly immediately took control of the plane as Wendy stripped off her flight suit.   Down to only bra and panties, she took the first aid kit offered by Holly and quickly wrapped her leg, after placing a compress under the bandage.   Meanwhile, Brent did a fast job of scanning his instruments and found no signs of a serious problem.  Then he ran forward to check out the hole in the side of the plane.  It was very small and he saw no dangling wires or other signs of damage.  He then headed back to his work area, but not before taking time to glance at Wendy standing there in her scant outfit and admiring her physique.  That admiring glance out of the way, he quickly got to his instruments to check for any damage to the flight characteristics of the plane.

When Brent got out of her way, Wendy reached behind her seat and started putting on a spare flight suit she had stored there.  Once that was on, she used her original flight suit to clean up the blood on her seat, then got in it.  “Okay, Holly, I got her.”

Holly glanced over and replied, “You sure you’re okay to fly?”

“What-in-the-hell else am I gonna do?  I sure can’t dance right now.”


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