Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Father Mulligan (Asps Series) - Teams C-130 ambushed.

Today’s excerpt is from Father Mulligan, Book #8 of the nine-book Asps series.  After a suicide bomber sets off his charge a short distance from the loading ramp of the C-130, several more terrorists attack the plane.  Enjoy and have a great day.



NOTE:  For those of you who may have visited the below web site in the last few weeks, there was a problem with it.  The matter has now been solved and it is good to go. 


       On hearing Wendy’s warning, Maggie, hit in her vest, right leg, and ear, called out, “I’ve got one of the Gatlings on the port side,” as she hobbled over to it. 

Phil, was standing only a few feet from the other side of the plane.  “I’ve got one of them over on the starboard side.”

Jim, Billy, and Ike were already running to the rear of the plane, just behind Jack, by then.  They went right down the severely damaged ramp.  Kye, who had only been hit in her vest and had her left arm grazed, and Dusty, with a nail sticking in his thigh, hurried to follow the first wave of the plane’s defenders.  Dusty only made one step before he almost swore—which would have been a first, since he never cussed—stopped and pulled the offending nail out of his left leg, before he followed his wife off the plane.  By the time those two were off the plane, the battle with the advancing terrorists was in full swing.

Chet, hit with three nails and two ball bearings, but not seriously injured, hobbled off the plane with his Asp drawn.  He started looking for something to shoot at.  The first terrorist he saw was under the plane’s wing.  He fired at him just as Bruce, who had slid—intentionally—off the wing to get at the same man, fired off a shot.  Both men hit the terrorist with killing shots before looking for other targets.

While those on the ground and in the plane were turning the grass field into a killing zone, Wendy and Goose were doing the same thing from the wings of the plane.

Even as she fired shot after killing shot at the advancing terrorists, Wendy was muttering under breath, “Attack my plane, will you, you bastards?  Well, take that,” as she killed still another of al-Qaida’s best—or worst, depending on one’s point of view.

Had Goose been able to hear over the racket of the two Gatling guns pouring death at the terrorists, he would have had his own successful shots diminished in their accuracy, as he would have been laughing too hard to shoot. 

When suddenly there were no more targets to shoot at, the defenders of the plane let out a collective sigh as they set about seeing what could be done for their injured comrades.  Even as they turned back to the plane, Jim glanced over at Bruce, now only about ten feet from him.  “We’ve got a hell of a mess.  Holly’s down…I think Pete is gone.  Got a few more inside who got hit with that crap.  You want to take a couple of guys to make sure these bastards are all on their fruitless search for their promised but non-existent virgins?”


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