Monday, April 20, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Tears And Terrorists (Asps Series) - Asps, SAS, and friends raid al-Qaida camp, but the ground is too wet for the C-130 to pick them up.

Today’s excerpt is from Tears And Terrorists, Book #4 of the nine-book Asps series.  Finished with a raid on an al-Qaida camp, the team, a SAS unit, and friends try to find a place in the rain soaked area for their C-130 to land.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Later, with the team gathered around their vehicles, Bruce grumbled, “Guess all we have to do now is find a place for Wendy to land.”

Dusty nodded.  “When going over the satellite photos of the area, I noticed some sort of runway about fifty miles more or less southeast of here.  Had a few buildings nearby, but none of the photos showed anyone in sight.  Want to try for that?”

Harry asked, “You think you can find it from here?”

Bear joked, “Dusty has a GPS system imbedded in his head.  He can find it.”

Dusty laughed, “Yeah, I think I can find it.”

Jim nodded, “Lead the way then.  Let’s load up, folks.”

When everyone was loaded up in the vehicles, Dusty led the way, driving one of the buggies.  The going was anything but smooth, as they came to several places which were too soggy to drive through, and had to drive around the dangerous spots to avoid getting one or more of the vehicles stuck in the mud.  It took nearly three hours to make the fifty-plus miles.  When they did come to what Dusty had seen on the photos, they pulled to a stop and looked around, without seeing any signs of life.  What they saw was obviously an abandoned facility of some type.  As they drove forward, they reached a small overgrown airstrip.  Dusty pulled up alongside it, stopped, and shrugged.  “Looks like we’ve got a place for Wendy to land…if it’s long enough.  Probably wouldn’t hurt to clear some of those tall weeds off, if we can.”

Bruce grumbled, “Yeah.  Everyone get their hoes out.”

Tony joked, “If it would stop raining for five minutes, we could burn the weeds off.  Otherwise, I suggest we all put our mittens on and commence pulling.”

Dusty pulled his buggy up onto the weed-covered airstrip and drove to the end nearest where the others were parked, then drove to the other end.  When he got there, he was satisfied with the distance.  “Okay, it’s long enough…and wide enough.  Even with the rain, Wendy should be able to land…weeds or no weeds.  But we better check it over carefully and make sure there are no crater-sized potholes.”

Jim, who was driving one of the buggies, and Harry, who was driving the third one, pulled up onto the runway, drove to the end where Dusty had started, and begun slowly driving toward the far end, each about five feet from the edge of the runway they were on.  Dusty saw that and started driving slowly down the middle.  For over thirty minutes, they all drove back and forth, looking for any possible problems.  While they did, each of the drivers with at least two other people in the buggies, the rest of the team reluctantly started pulling weeds.  With the rain, the large weeds came out more easily than many thought they would.  By the time Dusty, Jim, and Harry parked their buggies near the two SAS vehicles, about fifty feet of the runway had more or less been cleared of weeds.  When those in the three buggies got out and started helping, the weed pulling went much quicker.  When they were about half done, Jim stopped, and called Wendy.  “Your new international airport of Angola awaits you, Red.  GPS will be set up for you shortly.”


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