Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Bear's War (Asps Series) - Jack carries nun on his back out of harm's way.

Today’s excerpt is from Bear’s War, Book #5 of the nine-book Asps series.  With over 500 terrorists on his trail, Jack carries one nun on his back and leads the other three nuns and Maggie toward help.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



After he got off the phone with Bruce, Jack carried on for another twenty minutes, before he stopped.  “I have to take a break.”

Maggie and the Sisters knew the situation, but none said anything, except Sister Barbara, who groaned, “Maybe it would be a good idea…”

Jack held up his hand and interrupted, “Don’t say it, Sister Barbara…we aren’t leaving you here…period.”

Sister Barbara smiled.  “What I was going to say was maybe it would be a good idea if I walked on my own the rest of the way.  You can’t go on.”

Jack smiled in return and shook his head.  “No offense, but you’d only slow us down.  I can make it, with a little encouragement.”

Sister Barbara nodded.  “Very well.  I’m sure you know best.”

After a ten-minute break, Jack sighed, and stood up.  “All aboard.”

When Sister Barbara was on his back again, she reached around behind them with one arm, while holding on with the other one, and swatted Jack on the rear end with a thin branch she had picked up from the ground.  “Giddy up, slow poke.”

Jack, the other three Sisters, and Maggie busted out laughing—Jack, to the point that he nearly fell down, Sister Barbara and all.  Maggie joked, “You wanted encouragement, Jack…you got it.  Now, lead us to safety, ol’ great, wonderful, knight in shining armor.”


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