Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Dog Pound (Janitors Series) - Stranded survivors of two boat sinkings don't hit it off too well.


Today’s excerpt is from Dog Pound, the Book #3 of the nine-book Janitors series.  Steve and Billie Jo get off to a rocky start, but Billie Jo decides to thaw the relationship.  Enjoy and have a great day.



When he returned with his toolbox, he said nothing as he sat at Billie Jo’s feet and carefully looked at the thin chain.  He decided that rather than try messing with the padlock, he’d just cut through one of the chain links.  That decision made, he looked up at Billy Jo.  “I’ve got a hacksaw here and I’m gonna cut through one of the links on your ankle.  You’ll have to hold still so I don’t cut you.  By the way, my name’s Steve Bettencourt.”

“I’m Billie Jo Lane,” she answered proudly.

Certain who Murgatroyd had stumbled onto, Steve nonetheless couldn’t pass up the temptation for a little “payback.”  “You even look a little like the actress of the same name.”

“I am the actress, Billie Jo Lane, you fool.”

Now Steve was angry, but he kept his peace as he started slowly sawing through the link he picked out as the easiest to get to.  In a matter of about a minute, he had cut through it.  Next he got out a pair of pliers and bent one end of it back enough to slide another link through the gap.  With Billie Jo freed, he stood up and looked at her.  “Okay, you’re no longer chained to the tree.  Now you’re on you own.  Goodbye.  Come on, Murgatroyd.”

With that he picked up his toolbox, turned, and started to walk off.  As he did, Billie Jo asked, “What!  You’re just gonna leave me here?”

Steve turned.  “Look, lady, I’ve got my own problems.  My boat sank in last night’s storm and I’m in the middle of the Pacific with nothing but a raft.  I don’t have time to mess around with an aging actress who has sagging tits and a nasty attitude.  If I make it back to civilization, I’ll tell the authorities where you are.”

As he walked off, Billie Jo stood mute in disbelief.  Since her last divorce, no one besides the vile kidnappers had spoken a cross word to her.  After Steve and Murgatroyd disappeared from sight, she reflected on the way she’d acted and decided she’d sounded like an ungrateful bitch.  The man had freed her from the tree and she hadn’t even thanked him.  Wow,” she thought, “I sure need some lessons in humility.”

She started walking toward the beach.  When she got there, Steve was busy putting dog food in a bowl, having already poured Murgatroyd some water in another bowl.

Billie Jo walked up.  “I’m sorry I acted so snotty.  I’ve been through an awful experience and guess I just needed to beat up on somebody.  Can we start over?”


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