Monday, March 2, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Dead Silent Calm (Janitors Series) - Drew gets name of hit man who killed Billy's wife.


Today’s excerpt is from Dead Silent Calm, Book #7 of the Janitors Series.  Drew discovers the name of the man who killed Billy’s wife from mob boss.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



In New York, Don Angelo “Meat Hook” Calabrese sent one of his bodyguards to fetch Drew.  When he arrived at the table, Drew sat down at the unspoken invitation of Angelo.

Angelo looked at him.  “I give you this guy’s name, what happens to him?”

“He dies…after I ask him a few questions.  Most importantly, who sent him.”

“At least you’re being honest with me…didn’t try to give me a line of shit.  Is this a CIA matter?”


“His name’s Peter Cusimano.”

Angelo then slid a piece of paper across the table to Drew.  “Those are addresses where you might find him.  I trust there is no need to involve his family, or his associates in this.”

“None.  Unless they are involved in the hit in some way.  Anyone who was is dead.  He’ll tell who was involved.” 

A shiver ran down the spine of Don Angelo, glad that he wasn’t involved.  Few men he’d ever met frightened him.  Andrew F. Hollins was one of those men.  He let out his breath slowly.  “I want you to know that I respect you for not bringing up Sicily when you asked for this favor.  However, trust me that this wipes the slate clean as far as I’m concerned.”

Drew shook his head.  “There never was any slate to wipe clean.  You killed your man in Sicily, I killed mine.  Neither of us caused a problem for the other.  No slate.  I do thank you for this information, however.  I’m in your debt—within reason.”

Don Angelo smiled.  “I’ll keep that in mind if I get busted by those fellows outside.”

“If you do, I’ll see you get a nice comfy cell…extra thick mattress or something.”

“That I can arrange on my own.  You said this wasn’t CIA business.  What is it?”

“Family business.”

Angelo raised an eyebrow.  “I seem to remember using that term once in your presence.  Relative?”

“Wife of a man I love and respect.  Works with me.”

Drew stood up.  “Again, thank you.”

“You’re welcome.  I’ll make a call.  He won’t be protected or warned, and there will be no retaliation attempts made in your direction.  I’d hate to see the entire Detroit operation wiped out.”

Drew smiled.  “Thank you again.  Maybe I’ll arrange for a coffee pot in your cell.”

“Stop with the ‘cell’ already.  Or are you trying to give me a not so subtle hint that I’m about to be in big trouble?”

“No, but this new guy at FBI is one tough cookie.  He’s on you like stink on shit.  You might consider getting out.  Retire.  I’d suggest Sicily.”

“I think not—at least as far as Sicily is concerned, but thank you for your advice.”


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