Thursday, March 26, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Back To China (Other Books) - Sir Anthony educates a couple of high-ranking U.S. officials.


Today’s excerpt is from Back To China, the last of the three Bob Becker books.  Sir Anthony Henry, Chief of England’s SIS (MI6) schools some high-ranking men leftover from the just departed administration while in conference with the new President.  Enjoy and have a great day.



With everyone seated, the President looked at Tony.  “Would you be kind enough to bring us up to date, please?”

Tony, who had his laptop open and on, glanced at the screen and answered, “Right now they are passing over the coast of China.  Little doubt in my mind where they will wind up.  They have been on a straight line to the secret facility in Qinghai Provence I’ve been expecting them to take our people to since early on.”

The CIA Director cleared his throat and looked at the President, who nodded.  The Director asked, “What secret facility are you speaking of?  I know of no such place.”

From his attaché case Sir Anthony took out a satellite photo showing an extra-wide two lane paved road.  Near the middle of it, he had placed a nearly transparent yellow circle.  He pointed to it after he slide the photo in front of the Director.  “The entrance to the facility is roughly in the middle of the circle I drew.”

“What makes you think there is some secret installation there?”

Sir Anthony sighed and took out some more satellite photos.  The first one he slid to the Director showed the heavy equipment leaving two days previously.  The next showed earth being scooped up and placed in truck to be hauled away.  Other pictures showed various stages of construction as material for same was driven to the entrance to the facility, and some showed the construction of the road itself.

After the Director looked at them all, the President held out his hand as Sir Anthony answered, “These photos seem to indicate this location to be is a new facility the Chinese are trying very hard to disguise what they’re about.”

After the photos had been passed around the table without further comment until Sir Anthony had them back, the Director asked, “Where did these come from, if you don’t mind me asking, Sir Anthony?”

The ex-President felt he knew what the answer was going to be…Jim knew what the answered would be and he nearly smiled as he thought, “You just stepped in it, big boy.”

Sir Anthony blew out a mouthful of air and answered, “Roughly fifteen years ago an agreement between the United States and Great Britain was reached whereby we would exchange real time satellite photos…this to assist the War on Terror.  Some of these photos, alas, those of lesser quality are from one of our satellites, the ones of better quality came from one of your satellites.”

The President was taken aback and growled at the CIA Director, “Our own satellites took most of these photos and you know nothing about it?”

The Director swallowed and shook his head.  “No, sir, nothing.  Evidently our people thought this to be just routine construction.”

The President held in check the growing anger he felt and softly muttered, “From what I can see here, there is little doubt Sir Anthony is correct in his assessment.”

Deciding to give the CIA Director some cover, or at least change the subject, the Homeland Security Secretary asked, “Sir Anthony, if I may.  How is it you are able to determine just where our missing scientists are at any given time?”

“Before Mr. Hogan traveled to America and Area 51, we implanted a GPS disc in him for just such an eventuality as we now face.”

The President quickly questioned all four of his people about if the same thing had been done with Mr. Walendy, and if not, why not.  The Secretary and two Directors remained silent, but the general, much to his pending regret, answered, “We didn’t because in America, we don’t force our people to have anything implanted in them.”

Jim just closed his eyes and waited for Tony’s response, which was soon coming.  “My dear general, neither do we.  We asked Mr. Hogan if we could do so and told him why.  He immediately saw the wisdom of the implant…as I’m sure Mr. Walendy would have if asked.”


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