Thursday, March 12, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Bullets And Baseball (Asps Series) - Asps raid terrorist camp im Pakistan.


Today’s excerpt is from Bullets And Baseball, Book #6 of the Asps Series.  Asps take down terrorist camp only to find the man they had come to capture wasn’t there.  Enjoy and have a great day.



On Bruce’s command, all six Asps in the attacking group moved forward.  When each twosome felt they were as close as they dared go without being seen, they waited until the other twosomes had indicated proper placement by clicking their finger against the bulb of the communication set they wore.

When all “thumps” had been sounded, Bruce thumped his twice and the team began taking down the terrorists outside their tents and shacks.  They were using silenced sniper rifles and, in short order, terrorists started dropping in death all around the camp.  By the time anyone in the camp realized they were under attack, nearly all of those in view were dead—or soon to be.  In a matter of minutes, those who poured out of various berthing structures were falling at the hands of the Asps. 

The team knew which of the tents held the leaders, and they were careful to only wound anyone coming from that tent.  When all enemy targets had been hit, the team rushed in only to discover that while the operation had been a success, the ‘patient’ had died… the leader they sought had been with the main force taken out by Hank and his team…with a bit of help from Dusty and Bear.  The four wounded “leaders” were summarily dispatched when none were recognized as being of importance.

On discovering the leader missing, Bruce swore before he groaned to Maggie, “Come on—let’s see what we can find in the headquarters tent, then get the hell out of here.”

By then Dusty and Bear had arrived in their buggy.  Dusty had some bad news.  “Hey, Bruce, I hate to tell you this, but one of the guys in the front of that column sure looked like the guy we were after.”

Bruce just sighed.  “Thanks for the info…not.  To tell you the truth, I wondered about that myself, but wasn’t sure.  Now I am.  He ain’t here, that’s for sure.  Come on, Dusty, give Maggie and me a hand.”


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