Monday, March 16, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Father Mulligan (Asps Series) - Asps and friends are ambushed.


Today’s excerpt is from Father Mulligan, Book #8 of the Asps Series.  Asps and friends run into ambush.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Wendy laughed as Holly, standing next to the control panel of the plane’s ramp, pushed the down button.  The ramp slowly started to drop.  As soon as it touched down, a man ran toward the rear of the plane.  On seeing him, Holly yelled, “Bomb…get down.”

As she yelled, Holly dove to the floor of the plane while drawing the Asp from her shoulder holster.  She fired off a quick shot, just before she slammed into the floor of the plane.  Holly had seen the “dead man’s” control in the man’s hand, as well as his thumb on the lever.  She knew what was to come, so was not surprised in the least when the bomb attached to the suicide murderer went off with a horrific explosion, sending nails and ball bearings into the plane.  Two of the nails hit Holly in her leg, one of the ball bearings struck her right arm.

Pete, who had been standing on the other side of the plane, had already taken two steps down the ramp before he too saw the terrorist.  As he reached for his Asp, he was less fortunate.  He had made a belated dive to the base of the ramp as he too fired at the bomber, but he was just a bit too slow.  He was cut to pieces with a hail of nails and ball bearings.

Even though the bomber, hit in the forehead by Holly’s miraculous shot, had toppled forward as he was heading to the ground—thus averting the entire force of the blast from causing catastrophic damage to the plane—the hail of nails and ball bearings entering the rear of the plane caused several other members of the group there to be hit.  Bear had taken three nails and two ball bearings to the bulletproof vest he, as well as the other team members, was wearing.  Another nail hit him in the forehead.  It penetrated about three inches right into his head.  While he didn’t even lose consciousness, he realized he’d been hit.  He reached up toward his forehead.  Jack, who along with Jim, Phil, Billy, and Ike had not been hit by any of the damaging projectiles, saw Bear’s move.  He quickly yelled, “No, Bear!  Don’t touch that damned thing.  Just sit down in one of the easy chairs.  Remain totally motionless!”

He added, “Anyone hit, leave the nails and what not right where they hit you.  I’ll look at each as I get time.”

Even as he spoke, Jack was hurrying to see if he could assist Holly and Pete.  One look at Pete told him not to bother—so he went to Holly.  He told her to lie still as he started looking over her situation.

Meanwhile, up in the cockpit, even as they heard the blast, Wendy and Goose both noticed more trouble on the way.  The stand of trees was in a semi-half-circle around the plane.   The plane had nestled down, with the rear pointed at what would have been the joint of an “L”—had there not been a slight rounding off of that joining—where the trees headed off in opposite directions.  More terrorists were pouring out from the surrounding trees.  When her head cleared from the concussion of the blast—which had traveled the length of the inside of the plane—she said into the plane’s intercom, “We’re about to be under attack from the trees.  Look sharp back there, if you’re all okay.”

Expecting no reply, she, Goose, and Bruce hurried to get up on the wings of the plane, to be better able to fire on the approaching terrorists.

On hearing Wendy’s warning, Maggie, hit in her vest, right leg, and ear, called out, “I’ve got one of the Gatlings on the port side,” as she hobbled over to it. 

Phil, was standing only a few feet from the other side of the plane.  “I’ve got one of them over on the starboard side.”

Jim, Billy, and Ike were already running to the rear of the plane, just behind Jack, by then.  They went right down the severely damaged ramp.  Kye, who had only been hit in her vest and had her left arm grazed, and Dusty, with a nail sticking in his thigh, hurried to follow the first wave of the plane’s defenders.  Dusty only made one step before he almost swore—which would have been a first, since he never cussed—stopped and pulled the offending nail out of his left leg, before he followed his wife off the plane.  By the time those two were off the plane, the battle with the advancing terrorists was in full swing.


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