Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Sedona Chip (Janitors Series) - Fake project gets name.


Today’s excerpt is from Sedona Chip, Book #9 of the Janitors Series.  Plans for building to house fake computer get a name, which leads to a bit of humor.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Janet shook her head.  “Remember, we just need to get the thing started.  Don’t want to put the finishing touches on it until we know the spy is here.  And for him to be here, we have to lure him in.  So really, your contractor just has to get started, then leave a small crew here, to slow-walk the construction until the spy arrives.”

John nodded and asked, “How will we know when he’s here?”

Boris smiled.  “We’ll know.”

For the next hour, they all discussed the fine points of the plan.  The basic building would be round, with a balcony all the way around.  After the “computer” assembly was placed in the middle of the building by helicopter, a lightweight prefabricated roof would be placed behind the balcony.  At some point, a large antenna would be erected near the building.  It, of course, would serve absolutely no purpose, just be for show.

The military guard unit to be brought in would have tents for their housing and eating facilities.  Drew mentioned the tents would have a very nice interior, not visible outside the tents.  The extra niceties on the interior of the tents would be paid for by the Janitors.  The workers would come and go by helicopter.  So, too, for the most part, would others coming to the facility.  However, Drew, Boris, and John would make occasional trips to the location by jeep.

At one point, Arnold joked, “A computer chip like this one should have a name.”

Drew tilted his head.  “So name it.”

“How about ‘Sedona Chip,’ since it will be housed here.  That will also give the French a place to start looking, once the President and General Bradley discuss it.”

Boris reached over and patted Arnold on the shoulder.  “Oh, very good, Arn.  We’ll make a spy out of you yet.”

Nancy grumbled, “Hush, Boris.  You’ll give him a fat head.”


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