Monday, March 23, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Too Many Women (Other Books) - Bob sets protection plan in motion.


Today’s excerpt is from Too Many Women, the first of three Bob Becker books.  Bob organizes things to protect Terri.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



After Bob introduced Terri and Bill, the latter asked, “Terri got anything to do with all the ruckus?  Your exploits are all over the news.  Said you killed two guys who shot up your office.”

Bob grinned, and nodded, “Yeah…but only one of them’s dead.”

“Witnesses said they both looked dead.”

“Naw, just one.  The other one was out cold though…can see where someone could have made the mistake of thinking they were both dead.  Terri’s gotta problem…which we’re gonna help her solve.”

“Oh boy, just what I need…to get shot at…thanks a heap.  What did you do, Terri?”

“I was home when my husband killed a woman.  The two Bob shot came after me.  Guess more will be coming.  Hope I don’t put you two in too much danger.”

“Nothin’ old Bob can’t handle, if I don’t miss my guess.”

“Okay, Bill, here’s what I’ve got in mind.  I’m gonna call some friends from the west coast and get us some help.  Terri, by the way, lives in L.A.  She flew in this morning, came straight to my office and just as she walks in, the fun began.  The L.A. cops are gonna want to talk to her.  So I’m thinking I’ll call Dan Orf…you remember him and his wife, Jan, I’m sure.”

“Oh, yeah, the hot redhead…er…and her husband.”

Terri grinned as Bob nodded.  “One…or two…in the same.  After I make the call, got a few things to take care of.  Wanna get Terri a disguise, then check on the guy I shot who isn’t dead yet, and hunker down until the bad guys make their move.  I’d like you to move in here until Dan and help arrive.”

“Okay, let me go get a few things and I’ll be right back.  Go ahead, make your call, or calls, and I’ll be back before you get done more-n-likely.”


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