Thursday, March 19, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Horace Goes Home (Other Books) - Some changes in the line-up at homicide department.


Today’s excerpt is from Horace Goes Home, the second of three Elmer Bader books.  Alan wraps up a case, finds out he is rid of a bad apple partner, and picks up a new one…at Elmer’s expense.  Elmer has a new gig…working on his own without a partner.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



The attorney read the report.  When finished, he thought perhaps one day he would get a client with a bit of brains.  He slid the report back to Alan.  “What kind of a deal can we get?  I’m sure there were extenuating circumstances.”

“Like I said—see you in court.” 

A uniformed officer came into the room, and quickly led the widow off.

The brother had already been taken to booking, as he was being charged with a number of crimes—including lying to a police officer, attempting to dispose of the gun…as well as conspiracy to cover up the murder.   When Alan walked out to his desk, Gordon and Elmer were there to meet him.  Gordon said, “Nice work, Alan.”

Alan thanked him, but still not knowing much about the happenings of the day—except for the fact Bert was his new partner—he smiled.  “Someone gonna tell me how I got stuck with this new guy?”

Gordon nodded, “Sure—come into my office.  Bert, Elmer, and Reggie, too.”

Bert, who trailed Alan from the interrogation room, smiled as he followed along, knowing for certain Alan would be a great partner.  Alan, when he had been briefly told Bert would be that new partner, had patted Bert on the shoulder.  “Great.”  He meant it.

Once in his office, with the door shut, Gordon explained the entire situation of the day as it concerned the now-dismissed Detective Cartwright.  When he finished, everyone was asked to make any comments or ask any questions they had.  Very little came from the other four in the office, so Gordon soon sent them on their way—with the exception of Elmer, who stayed behind at Gordon’s request.  When the other three had left, Gordon asked, “What are your immediate plans?”

“Kick tires on this Navy deal, and offer help to anyone who needs it.  This will be a bit different for me, coming in on the middle of investigations, trying to be a genius…or something of the sort.”

“Just play it by ear…we’ll see how it goes.  I know you’re smart enough I don’t have to tell you to take back up when you go to a potential suspect.  Any possibility at all you could get into a situation, I want you covered.  If nothing else, take a uniformed team with you.”

“Yeah—okay.  I’m not in the mood to get shot again.  Ruth would kill me.”

“Nice way of putting it.  Get out of here.  I’m here if you need me for anything…you know that.”

“Yeah, I do.  Thanks,”


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