Monday, March 30, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Back To Iraq (Janitors Series) - Terrorist taken out in intentionally caused wreck.


Today’s excerpt is from Back To Iraq, the Book #2 of the nine-book Janitors series.  Sergey, the new man on the team, eliminates the head of terrorist cell waiting on satchel nuke to arrive in Missouri.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



When they turned onto the highway, Sergey was able to get behind Al-Sharif, with no cars in between them.  He followed at a normal distance and waited his chance.  A few cars passed from the other direction, but the traffic was light.  Suddenly, he saw a chance.  Up ahead he could see the beginning of a bend to the left, which had a guardrail for quite a distance.  Even better, there was a tractor-trailer just appearing around that bend in the road, heading toward them.

Sergey floored the accelerator and their car picked up speed rapidly as he pulled out to pass.  Ibrahim Al-Sharif barely noticed and, if he had, he would have thought the trailing car had plenty of time to pass.  However, Sergey eased off the gas as he drew up to Al-Sharif’s vehicle, so that his front bumper was even with the rear door of the other car.  His intent was to be in the blind area, where Al-Sharif wouldn’t be able to see him without the effort of turning his head.

With the approaching truck getting closer and closer, Sergey knew his timing would have to be perfect and hoped that human instinct would prevail.  He waited until the last possible moment, then swerved left, toward the far shoulder of the road.  When he did that, the truck driver instinctively swung to his left to avoid Sergey.  In so doing, he drove right into and over the car driven by Ibrahim Al-Sharif.  Even though the truck driver realized his mistake almost as soon as he made it, he was far too late to save Al-Sharif.  As one of the two first-arriving state troopers would say to the other, “Poor guy was smashed like a grape.”

Sergey, meanwhile, nearly lost control of his car on the shoulder, then had to deal with two oncoming cars.  He let the first one pass, and then swerved back up onto the highway and back into his original lane.  Next he slammed on his brakes, spun the wheel, and accelerated, so that he was soon behind the second of those two cars, driving in the same direction as they and the truck had been heading.  Without hesitation, he drove back onto the shoulder of the road and passed the two cars, which had both slowed and were stopping to avoid running into the back of the now-stopped truck.

As Sergey raced by on his right, before getting back on the driving surface and speeding away, the truck driver got on his CB radio and called for help.  He was able to think well enough to get a description of Sergey’s car, but unable to get a license plate number.  After calling for help, the driver started trembling, and realized as he got out of his truck that what he was going to find would make him sick to his stomach.

Tom was having sick feelings of his own.  When Sergey was speeding back down the shoulder on the roadway, Tom had looked over at the smashed wreck of Al-Sharif’s car.  While he was glad the event had gone well, the thought of what Ibrahim Al-Shrif must look like was unsettling—not to mention how close a call it had been for him and Sergey.


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