Friday, February 27, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - The Saltwater Connection (Janitors Series) - Jim outlines plan for finding the kidnapped women being held by terrorists.


Today’s excerpt is from The Saltwater Connection, Book #6 of the Janitors Series.  Jim discusses the plan to locate the kidnapped women with the President and FBI Director as well as the President’s Military Advisor.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Twenty minutes later, John and Jim were seated in the Oval Office with the President and General Bradley.  After Jim gave the President a full run-down on the information he had, the President glanced at his watch, saw it was nearly 10 PM. “Okay, Jim give me a run-down on what you plan to do.”

Jim nodded.  “If…er, make that when…we find this Atif guy, I plan to follow him until he leads us to others in this kidnapping operation.  Then I plan to break it up and recover the women taken so far.”

“That’s it?”

“Well, sir, there may be a bit more, but I’m still sorting that out in my own head.  John has agreed to help.  Have his people look for Atif, but only to spot, then let us take over the matter until we see where it leads.  No way, really, to plan much ahead until we spot the guy.  What I’m hoping is we find him in one of the cities, spotting more women, then nab the kidnappers and ask them a few questions.”

At that, John cleared his throat, but said nothing.

The President smiled.  “I agree, John.  Best you and I don’t know exactly what that means, and how the questions will be asked.  But better Jim and his crew than you.”

John shook his head in dismay.  “Reluctantly, I agree, sir.  Jim does have a way of getting information out of people.  A way I can’t use.  As the nation’s chief law enforcement officer, I should object, but I really can’t argue with anything Jim’s done so far, considering the results and the public panic he’s averted.  I’m to assume we aren’t real interested in this getting to the press…I mean with all these women being presumably kidnapped by terrorists?”

“You assume correctly.  Alright, Jim, go ahead.  Keep us informed.  Though I have the feeling you know something you haven’t told me.”

“Don’t know, sir.  Just suspect…or fear.  We might be talking ‘white slavery’ here, as well as a terrorist tactic.”

“Oh, for God’s sake, Jim.  Do you think they’re selling these women?”


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